Chapter 11: I Love You THIS Much

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I stepped out of my car, grabbing my backpack from the passenger seat. I watched my feet as I walked up the sidewalk, up the stairs and to the front door. Without looking up, I pulled my house key from the side pocket of the bag, unlocking the door. I took one step in my house and tripped, falling to the ground, but landing softly on a giant teddy bear.

"What the heck?" I grumbled, rolling off, too inspect. I sat up the bear, it was a giant 3ft tall stuffed white teddy bear, holding a bright red heart with the words "I Love You THIS Much" effortlessly sewn into the heart, with its arms out wide. It had a, now crumpled, note tucked behind the heart. The note read,

"I'll pick you up for dinner at 6. Dress warm!" (The bear's name is cuddles by the way.)

I grinned, and hugged the bear close as if it were Sam. Standing up still holding the giant bear, I walked up the stairs and into my room, dropping the adorable giant stuffie onto my bed.
I sat down and leaned onto Cuddles, holding the note to my chest. Oakley, the kitten Sam got me for Christmas, jumped up onto the bed, curling up in a ball on my lap. I smiled and lifted her up into the air as if she were Simba from Lion King.

"You have the most amazing dad." I said, kissing her on the nose. Setting her down, I snapped a picture of Cuddles to send to Kurt. Then realized that I still have homework to do.

"Uggghhh," I groaned, flopping onto my back, and stealthily rolling off of the bed, sitting down at my desk and pulling out my books to start working.

(Time Skip)

"Owwww" I yelled, as Oakley sank her claws into my leg, trying to climb up. Pulling me out of work mode, "Hey! I'm not a climbing post!" I said pulling her off. I grabbed my phone to check the time, it was 5:30.

"Crap!" I jumped up and ran to my closet. Quickly throwing on a warmer outfit, I chose light colored jeans with holes in the knees, a burgundy sweater, and a plaid blanket scarf. I ran back over to my vanity, looking in the mirror.

"Oh my god. What is with my hair? I look like a swamp monster!" I said to myself, pulling my hair to the right side and doing a quick messy braid, tying it off with a clear elastic. Just as I finished my phone dinged, I looked down to see who it was.

Sam: I'm here. You ready?

Me: Yup, just a sec.

Sliding my phone in my back packet, I walked over to the mirror.

"Good enough," I said walking out the door and down the stairs. When I got to the bottom Sam wasn't there.

"Okay?" I said confused, opening the front door. Sam stood in the center of my yard, holding a bouquet of pink lily's, the flowers had a white edge on them, giving the bouquet the perfect amount of lightness, it was all tied together with a light green ribbon. Happiness flooded my system. The butterflies in my stomach were ecstatic, as was I. For once we were on the same page. A smile lit up my face, and I ran to him.

"Sam... they're beautiful," I said smiling and smelling one of the flowers.

"I picked them because they smelt good"

"Well your snootle picked good, because they're one of my favorites."

"Lucky me." He said, laughing.

I smiled, "Hey... where's your car?"

"Not here, we're walking."

"Noooooo" I wailed dramatically, "not exercise!"

"I'll carry you?"

"Deal," he bent down and I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist.

(Time skip)

We walked for about two minutes until we got to this giant hill, Sam set me down.

"Wait I'm confused."

"Its just up the hill, come on," He said, taking my hand.

When we got to the top, I gasped. On the ground there was a giant fluffy blanket and about a million pillows, fuzzy blankets, and a stack of movies sat on top of a wicker picnic basket. Hanging, was a large white sheet, held up by string attached to two near by trees. String lights were wrapped around the trees branches, making it glow. In the distance, and the bottom of the hill was our town of Lima, which now lit up in the night.

"Woah..." I said astounded.

Sam laughed, "I know two of your favorite things are Disney movies and cuddling, so here they are."

"You forgot one of my favorite things," I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"What?! I thought I got everything!"

I giggled, "You."

"Well lucky for you I'm right here." He pulled me in, by my waist, planting a kiss on my lips.

I pulled away, "Well lets get to the cuddling and the disneying," I sat down on the blanket and flopped onto the pillows. Sam sat down, pulling a box out of his pocket.

"Sam... you didnt have to-"

"But I did. Open it," he said handing it to me.

I carefully untied the bow, and opened the petite box. Inside was a rose gold key shaped necklace, also attached to the chain was a small heart with the letters Sailey engraved into it.

"Awe Sam, it's beautiful. Thank you." I said smiling, and giving him a hug.

He smiled back, "You're welcome," he said kissing me ont the forehead, "So, Up or Tangled?"

"You know Up is my favorite." I said, laughing.

He put the movie in and leaned back into the pillows, as I leaned into him. He jumped as I took his hand.

"You're freezing!" He squealed, leaning forward to grab the blankets. He effortlessly covered both of us up, and pulled me back in. Wrapping his muscular arms around me.

"I'm fine actually, but thanks anyways" I said with a giggle. We sat there for a moment taking in the beauty of the scene, the town below was now deserted, but yet each building still glowed. Somewhere crickets chirped, keeping it from being silent. I watched as a bunny majestically hopped by, not fazed by the fact we were there. I drew in a breath of the fresh night air and smiled.


"Yeah?" He looked down at me.

"Thanks for making my first real Valentines Day amazing."

"Of course, I love you," Placing his warm lips onto mine, just as the opening song to Up started.

I pulled away, "Well, I love you THIS much," I said holding my arms out.

He laughed and pulled me ontop of him kissing me passionately.

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