Joel (chapter twelve)

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Chapter 12


    I had to leave rehearsals early that afternoon because I was due to meet Joel for our scheduled half hour tutoring session. Basically, I go over his English essays and he signs my form to say I helped him. This is supposedly a win-win situation but He’s not usually very helpful when we meet in the library. I guess you could say He’s just not into this. He will leave if I’m even five minutes late and He’s not exactly grateful to be in my company. In Mrs Robinson’s  Guide @p29 it is written: “....on the subject of appearing grateful within relationships; many men have stated that they just want a woman who is thankful for the little things in life, who doesn’t  make them feel like they are being used as a husband and provider...”


     No problems in this town where most of the husbands and providers abscond for some reason. I’m not joking. The average marriage of all of our parents in Sunrise (Jet’s included) lasts around eight years. Most of the splits are “amicable” divorces but very few people had actually “lost” parents, except Mark and Petra.

     I overheard Tory gossiping in rehearsal about Mark’s long ago family “tragedy” - his parents being killed.

    “It explains his reckless driving,” Teegan noted. “He wants to push the boundaries.”

     I rolled my eyes when I heard this but Brooke just nodded sycophantically. I felt bad for Mark though. No wonder he relied so much on his friendship with Jet, who seemed more like a brother to him.

    I thought about rehearsal as I ran over to the library...

    Mr Sparks” welcome speech was totally full of crazy innuendo but he’d never actually do anything about it. He could never even like another human being (let alone be attracted to one) more than himself. I guess Mr Sparks is kind of good-looking but don’t get worried. We’d never include Mr Sparks in the dating game. We’re not that delusional. But I have to admit, apart from the star trip factor; Mr Sparks really is a great director. He’s just filled to the brim with enthusiasm, drive and creative vision. It’s quite inspirational.

    Earlier in the day, Mark didn’t seem to notice Mr Sparks” tantrum. He was obsessed with the lighting guide and talking to the other assistant stage manager, already in control. Meanwhile, Mr Sparks threw his hands in the air after a few hours of trying to coax onstage emotions out of Jet. Finally, Mr Sparks realized he’d never make a “true actor” out of Jet and just praised him for showing up. “There is honour in the attempt,” he said, quoting someone famous for sure. 

    Mouche was hunched in a corner with Miss Tartt. They were discussing costumes and holding up fabric samples in the patch of light peeping in between the blackout curtains. I started learning my scenes with Tory – joy of joys. We were loud and enthusiastic and Mark was hesitant and looked almost disapprovingly above the script as he prompted us. His lack of enthusiasm was beginning to annoy me. It didn’t bode well for Saturday night although Jet seemed far friendlier.

    It was almost dark before I managed to slip away and find Joel in A-block.

    He was sitting in an abandoned desk balancing a pencil and an eraser on his nose when I entered. Joel had been at track team practice. He was wearing a hoodie and baggy sweat pants.

    “Hi Joel,” I said warily. “Did you bring your essay?”

    “It’s in my pocket,” Joel said and pulled out a crumpled mess of papers patterned with coffee stains.

PRIDE & PRINCESSES: A Pride and Prejudice (type) of teen story (Sunrise High #1)Where stories live. Discover now