Chapter 1

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*walking down the street*

Being in an adoption center, where they don't even trust you is kind of frustrating. I have not been in an actual home with anyone who wanted me there since I was eight and even then my own father didn't want me. I never knew my own father. He walked out us, that's what my mom said anyways.

My mother was always very protective of me and she never wanted me to get hurt. So when she invited my uncle to live with us, after he lost his house, she thought that extra protection was a good thing, but really it was the complete opposite.

That man, that I was forced to call my uncle, molested me, rape me, and hit me. I was tortured as a little kid. I couldn't, and still can't, understand the term happy. My innocence was taken away at the age of seven. I felt like I had to skip my childhood.

I don't feel 10, I feel at least 15. It is not fun having to deal with what I went through, taking care of my flashbacks, having to make sure that I get to eat because of the orphanage, having people make sure that I'm not around corners or any sharp objects I can hurt myself with. It's at the point where I really don't give a fuck what happens to me. I hope my life ends soon I know that it's very unrealistic for a 10-year-old to want to die but here I am under constant suicide watch, in an orphanage surrounded by people with no parents just like me.


I'm in San Francisco for a show. I am walking around trying to figure out what I want to do. We don't have a show for hours and I don't have a clue on what to do!

I see a coffee shop ahead and began to walk towards it.

"Umm... Can I ask you a question, sir?" I heard small voice ask. I looked down to see a small, very skinny, girl with a scared look on her face.

"Go ahead sweetie." I encouraged.

"Do you by chance have some money, so I can buy dinner?" she asked with a cherry tint dancing on her cheeks.

"I sure do. Are you okay with getting something from a coffee shop?"

Her expression quickly changed from embarrassed to happy.

"Yes, sir! Anything is fine with me."

We began walking for the coffee shop, and I asked her, "What's your name? My name is Austin."

"My name is Lilith. I'm 10 years old how old are you?"

"I'm Austin and I'm 25. What are you doing alone out here? Should you be with your mom and dad?"

"Oh, umm, my mom's at work and I lost money she gave me to go buy dinner.

"Oh, and your father?"

"Umm... He doesn't stay with me." Lilith was scratching her arms and I look down to see them covered in scars, she's only 10 years old why did she have so many scars? How can someone of her age being such pain and know how bad they can hurt themselves.

"You seem like you've been through a lot, but why so many scars?"

"It's because I have been through a lot. No one wants me..." she paused, took a breath, and continued.

"No one wants to adopt the girl who has anxiety attacks over someone dropping a book, no one wants the girl that will scream until blood comes up her throat because she was so certain someone was trying to kill her, and no one wants the girl that has scars as frequent as the stars in the sky. I'm crazy, and no one wants that."

"Adopt? I thought you said that you live with your mom."

"I do! I just... umm... yeah. I live with my mom." She looks so nervous. I was about to ask her what she meant, but she started to run away.

Frantically, I began to follow her. Rushing own the busy streets of San Francisco, I had almost lost her. Suddenly she took a sharp turn. I kept running toward her. She slowed to a stop, as did I. she looked around the alley and saw no one because I had hidden.

"You're crazy Lilith. What are you thinking, you stupid fuck!" she yelled at herself.

Lilith began walking down the alley, as I was still following her I noticed tears flooding her cheeks as she walked back on the sidewalk- I walked at least twenty steps behind her at all times- so when I got to the sidewalk it was hard to see her with all the people. Then I saw her turn into a driveway, the lawn had a sign; it read 'San Francisco Orphanage' I instantly jogged up to her and said "I thought you lived with your mom?"

"Well I -uh- am visiting a friend?" she responded as if it was a question.

"Do you live here, seriously?" I ask.

She looked down, as if she was ashamed. She whispered a quiet "Yes."

"Do you like living here?"

"No... They hit me."

"Would you like to be adopted?"

"No one would want me."

I bend down so I am looking her in the eyes and I gently say, "I do."

She giggles and says "Yeah right. They say no one will ever because I hurt myself."

"Well they were wrong weren't they Lilith?"

"I guess. Do you promise not to hurt me? Ever?"

I held my right hand up. "I promise I will never hurt you."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Now I want to ask you something, do you want to be adopted?"


"Okay, I'll go talk to the person in charge."


I was finally being adopted! Yay! I can't wait to live a normal live, to have a place to rest my head without fear of the monsters coming to me.

Austin told me to believe him, and to trust him. I really want to believe that this is going to work, but I have my doubts. The people that work here can be very cruel. They like to, how do I say this... beat us or as they call it 'teach us a lesson' they like to make sure that we do as they say, so they get their money's worth.

The scariest place in this orphanage is the back room as they call it. The male workers take the teenage girls back there and when they come out the girls are always crying, have handprints on the faces, and have tears down the cheeks their eyes that are swollen and red. I hope I get out of here before that time because the girls that don't make it out if here by time are never the same after.

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