Chapter 18

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Ki and I have been working on our homework for the past twenty minutes and I still can't get my 6th grade math homework. 

"Ki, can you help me?"

"Yeah, what do you need help with?"

"My math."

"I tutor people on this subject so lets go!"

"Just- don't judge, the orphanage I was in didn't teach me this because they were mad that I didn't understand it..."

"I won't judge you. I swear." Ki rose his right hand.

"Okay, I am a 6th grade level so I'm really behind."


"Okay Lilith, I'm ready for you." time for my first tattoo.


I was laying down on my back, my left arm about half way done, when Cee said;

"Do you ever want to tattoo people? I think you would make an amazing tattoo artist, I would give you an apprenticeship if you wanted..."

" Yeah! I would love that!"

"Great! You can start whenever!"

"Yay! As soon possible works for me!" I said happily.

"How about when this arm heals up, you stop by and we pick out the shift you'll be working?"

"Perfect." I said smiling.


"Alright we are all done!"

"Ahhh! I am so excited to see it!" 

I looked in the mirror Cee lead me to and I gasped.

"Dude! I fucking love it! You totally transfered my drawing into a tattoo on my arm!"

"Well it was your drawing!"

"It looks so bad ass! I can't wait for this to heal!"

"Let me wrap you up and then I hope to see you later!" 

"Trust me, you will!" I said walking out the door.


I got home and Rob was waiting for me on the couch.

I tried to quietly sneak past so I could just go to bed, but I felt a hand on my shoulder blade.

"It's time for you to pay me back." He whispered in my ear.

***Again I don't feel comfortable writing the rape because of my past, please respect that***

As Rob left my room, I had tears streaming down my face. 

"This is your life now Lilith. Deal with it. " I whispered to myself. 

I stood up and grabbed my razor out of my suitcase and an extra outfit.

"I am going to shower!" I yelled down the hallway and walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

I turned on the shower and stripped away the clothing that suddenly became unnessasary. I let my hair get wet as I sat down in the shower. I grabbed the blade off the side of the tub and began to cut away on me leg; blood dripped down my leg.

I want to prove to my dad that I can make it on my own. I can be successful without the man that left me when I needed him most.

I began to feel faint so I quickly washed my hair sitting down then turned off the water. I dried off then I put on my clothes and went to sleep.

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