Chapter 22

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For @viclover11

"Really?" I said smiling.

"Yeah, I want to show you how much I love you, and we both love tattoos so I figured it was a good idea."

"Well it is an amazing idea, I love it so much!"

"Anything for my not-so-much-baby girl" I smiled at that.

"Let me make up a line drawing, then I'll make a stencil, and finally we can get started. "

"I can't wait."


I smiled at the thought of Austin getting my name tattooed on him.

"Okay Austin come on back." As he walked over, a smile began to form on his face.

I showed him the stencil.

"It is perfect Lilly!"

"Lilly...?" I asked.

"Well I was bored one night and started to think of you, as I always do, and then I thought I should come up with a nickname for you, and Lil love seemed to weird according to Tino, so I chose Lilly."

"Nice, stalker-ish, but nice." I said with a smile.

Austin laughed.

"Okay Time to start this tattoo!" I shaved the spot under my father's knee where the tattoo would lay, then I placed the stencil in the correct placement, and I asked if it looked right, Austin said yes, Cee said yes, so I picked up the tattoo machine.


"Alright Austin, we are all done!" I wiped the excess ink off his knee with a paper towel.

He stood up the same time I did.

I took off my gloves and brought him over to the mirror. Cee came with.

"Do you guys like it?" I asked nervously.

"You did an amazing job, I'll leave you two alone now..." Cee said then walked to the other side of the shop.

"I love it Lilly, I needed this. I just missed you, I miss having you with me and this helps." I thought for a little bit.

"I'm sure Alan likes it..." I said with a tear coming to my eye.

"No, he wanted to come with me when I said I was going to visit you, but I refused. I know Alan messed up, and he is sorry, I want you to understand that we all love you and want you to come back to us." I sighed and looked up at Austin.

"Maybe I could visit sometime...?"

"I would love that! We all would."

"I just want to make sure it is okay with Rob..." I said looking down, knowing Rob wouldn't okay it.

"Why would you have to ask permission to come and see me? You are my daughter -not his- and I want you to come back and live with me again!"

I started to feel an anxiety attack coming.

"I just don't want to make him mad." If he is mad he will rape me more often. I said to myself.

"Well now you're making me mad!" My chest began to tighten.

I whispered; "Dad, please stop" but he kept ranting.

"Why do you care what he thinks so much? You never cared what I thought. You never cared what anyone thought about you. What did he do to my baby?" Tears started to flow out of his eyes.

"I can't tell you." I said quietly.

"Why not?"

"Because of the deal we made now if you really want to know you got to find out yourself! Now go away! You got what you wanted so get out of my life! Don't come back to Rob's house!" I said raising my voice and before Austin could say anything I stormed out the door.

As soon as I was outside I spot Austin's car. I made a quick decision to see if Austin's car was unlocked. It was. Idiot. I popped the hood of the car and got to work.

After I was sure this truck wasn't going to run,I began sprinting to the nearest fast food place. McDonald's. Gross.

As I got inside I sat down at a table and pulled out my "phone", I connected to the wifi so I could text Rob,

Hey can you pick me up at McDonald's? You can do whatever to me tonight. Austin isn't coming back...

I got an answer about ten minutes later.

Yeah sure.

Two minutes later Rob's truck pulled up in the parking lot and I got up from my seat and automatically opened the passenger side door and saw the man of my nightmares ready to take me back to hell.

"Thanks." I said with a dry voice.

"As long as I get something in return." Rob sighed.

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