Chapter 2

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Lilith POV

*in her room*

I was pacing back-and-forth in my room, waiting to see if I could go home with Austin. He was talking to the administer. I then heard a knock at my door I rushed over and opened it. There was Austin with tears running down his face and he said, "i'm sorry, I can't take you home with me. They said that you are too much of a danger to yourself, that your mental-health isn't good enough. I want to take you with me, but I can't."

"YOU LIED TO ME! You said that you wanted hurt me, you promised! See what you have done this is why I never get my hopes up. This is why I don't tell people where I live, this is why I am in the round room. It's not my fault I'm in here!" I said with tears racing their way down my round red cheeks.

"I'm sorry sir, but you need to leave." Said the administrator.

"Yeah Austin, just go. You are just like my mom and dad."

"I'll come back, I promise..."


I now know what goes on in the back room. Since I'm 15, they Say I'm old enough.I've been back there too many times to count by now, disgusting men make me take off my clothes and do what they please for their pleasure.

I am moved out of the round room. I now have pencils and paper and and sharp objects in my room. I haven't hurt myself in a while, well at least in my arms, my legs look like they been attacked by a shark, scars after Scars, are discovered.

I've been waiting, waiting for Austin to come back, just like he promised. So far, he hasn't shown up.

I have just been sitting here, floating. Floating through Hell on a cloud made out of fire, blowing in the wind made out of smoke, the rain is lava, scorching my skin as it falls.

But alas, I'm still waiting. After three years of being forgotten I still have hope. Hope that Austin will come back to adopt me.

"Lilith, you are wanted in the back room."


"Are you coming?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Only if the answer is yes."

"Do I get to walk, or do I have to be carried, again?"

"Promise not to run?"

"Run where?"

"Good girl, come on."

Knowing that you are about to be sexually violated doesn't lessen the emotional and physical pain of it.

Lost in my train of thought, I didn't realize that we were at the door.

"Go along. There is a guy in there that wants to see you so be good, and do what he says. Got it?" the man said, shoving my back forward.

"Yes sir." I said in a quiet whisper.

I walk into the room, tears in my eyes, and see a middle-aged man that I don't recognize.


"Do you work here?" I ask. All I get is a grunt.

"Take off your shirt and pants." He demanded. As requested, I threw them aside. I couldn't control the streams flowing out if my eyes when he let his eyes roll their way up and down my body as he touched himself through his underwear.

"Lay down." He demanded. I laid down on the cement floor.

There was a tightness in my chest. I knew the feeling...

He started walking over to me and I began to sweat. He then ripped off my underwear as well as his own. My heart was racing. The manly hands of the unwelcome guest was rubbing my skin from my chest down to my 'area'. I was breathing like I had just run a marathon. The man laughed as he slammed into me as I cried out. I began to see spots.

"Your such a fucking whore."

Then... I passed out.

(What happened was Lilith was raped and had a panic attack in the middle of it)

I woke up in a bright room with the smell of bleach surrounding me.

"Good morning Lilith I'm Ashley, your nurse how are you feeling?"

"Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital; you had a panic attack."

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