Chapter 20

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After Ki drove into the school parking lot I called his brother asking if I could pick up an extra shift.

"Umm, I actually can't. I'll hook you up with a free tattoo though?"

"Sure I have been itching to get tattooed again."

"Cool. What are you thinking?"

"Black lettering on my thigh saying "this is not what it is not what it is only baby scars I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side..."it's from a song that means a lot to me." I know this song is from my dad's band, but it reminds me of my mother and how happy everyone and everything was before Austin left.

"Just in like paragraph form?"

"No, in an ampersand."

"Oh! I have seen pictures of that online. are you sure you want to copy it?"

"One hundred percent sure."

"Okay I'll get it ready. Come down about 3:30 and get tatted."

"Could I come right after school with Ki and just sketch? My dad is in town..."

"Yeah that works!"

"Okay see you then, bye."


***in gym class***

I hate gym. I adore running and weight lifting, but I despise the people.

I was running around the track in a sweatshirt and spandex when a jock with a really shitty tattoo on his arm said;

"Hey babe."

"Fuck off." I replied

"Come one sexy just look at me! You have to be aching to talk to me."

"Not much to look at except that shitty tattoo."

"Hey! Like you can do any better than this; this tattoo is top shit. Best artist in the school."

"Oh yeah?" I pulled off my sweatshirt to reveal all the work on my arm and chest.

"Damn! who did these?"

"I drew them. Cee at SoCal tattooed it. I'm his apprentice. When you want that piece of shit covered up call me."

I pulled my sweatshirt back on and ran faster. I ran two more laps then went into the weight room where Ki was.

"Come on faggot. Fight back" I hear a punch.

"Fuck off" Ki said in a pained voice. I rush over to see some jocks beating up my best friend.

"Hey! what the fuck do you think you are doing to my best friend?"

"Teaching him a lesson."

"About what?" I walk closer to the 'head' guy.

"How not to be a fag." I get right up in his face and say

"Like fuck you will." And then I punch him in the gut. I continue saying "if you or anyone else touches my best friend again, I'll haunt you. Everyone knows I'm satanic I can, and I will, put a curse on you." I mentally laugh as I lie.

"Y-you fucking which!"

"You bet your ass I am."

"Fuck you and your faggot friend." The guy said as he and his friends ran out.

"Are you okay Ki?" He was still curled up on the floor

"Yeah, I am just in a lot of pain." He said sadly.

"Understandable. Wanna ditch the rest of school? We can go to the shop and just draw..." I suggested.

"Can we just hang out at your house?"

"Y-yeah, my dad might be home though..."


"It's cool though, lets get going."

I helped Ki up off the floor and we both walked to the locker rooms and changed then met outside the doors. 


"Yeah, lets go."

On the car ride home Ki was playing Of Mice & Men. I turned down the music.

"what did you do that for?" Ki asked confused.

"Don't freak out when I tell you this.." I said really anxiously.


"My dad is in a band."

"Again, Okay?" Ki said still confused.

"A band you listen to..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?! What band?" He questioned excitedly

That's when we pulled into my driveway. My dad's car is there. Fuck my life.

"Why don't we go see?" I said 

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