Perfect Green

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This will be in 3rd pov. Hope you guys like it.

  Levi was walked back to his room. He was really confused why that even happened. He just met Eren, why does he feel this way.
  It was dark outside and since he couldn't control the lights in his room, it was dark in his room too. Levis never liked the dark. It scared him. He thinks unpleasant  thoughts in the dark, at first he thought they were just nightmares. But he was wide awake one night after painting with soft red and he realized  things.
  He now thinks he's insane. Which would make alot of since. It would explain why he tried to kill himself with his family there.
  Stupid stupid Levi.
  He leans against the door thinking of him. Eren, Eren... You made me feel so weird. He slams his head into the door repeatedly wishing to see the perfect green eyes, the stunning smiling lips, the sweet tall boy. That was it, Eren is perfect. No matter what he had faced. What he was told he had faced.
  He falls asleep there on the door dreaming of Eren. The. Perfect. Green. Eyed. Boy.
{Character switch brought to you by Marcos polos and Jeans Jeans. A great couple with great clothes😉}
  Eren wakes up in the morning on top of his covers. He remembered falling on to his bed thinking of the beautiful and majestic grey eyes. That's all he remembers before he melts in the thought of being with Levi again.
  Then a thought jumps in his head one he hates himself for. What if he is gone? By gone he means gone. What if the red took him? A tear falls down his face and he hates himself for it. Why would Levi even like him they just met. The questions the same for you Eren. Why do you like him? The final question hits him like a fist.
  "I, I dont know." he whispers to no one but himself slightly scared by the sudden increase of noise.
  The question echoes in his head until a hour later a man walks in and tells him its time for a group therapy session.
  No one mentioned a group therapy session. Great! People I don't know are going to talk about things I dont care about. Yippy do dah day!
  Walking into the room with a heavy heart Eren sees Levi and a smile dances on his lips. Levi looks at him and smiles right back happier then ever.
  The session flies by as the two boys take unnoticed glances at one another. Erens never been happier. Levis never been happier. They've fallen in. Fallen into a hole of each other.
  After the session they can do whatever they want. And the two boys run over to each other once everyone is gone.
  "Hey Levi!" Eren says, a blush over flowing his face before he covers it up.
  "Hi Eren" Levi mocks covering his face as Eren had.
  "Oh shut up!" Eren squeaks before he playfully puts his fists up and taking a punch at Levi gently.
  "That the best you can do?" Levi replies grabbing Erens arm and spins him until hes stuck in his arm and kisses Erens nose.
  "Hey!?" Eren yelps scaring Levi. "You missed." Eren quietly and ashamedly says trying not to cry seeing he scared Levi.
  "No dont cry baby bunny!!" Levi says sweetly. "Ill fix this." And then Levi kisses him right on his little bunny lips.
  "Bunny?" Eren replies looking content and confused.
  " Ya you have a little cute nose. Little cute lips. And super fluffy hair." Levi exclaims a huge smile painting his face in bright colors.
  "Im not a cute bunny. Im not even little! Im taller than you!" Eren says gesturing to the height difference.
  "I can still call you little, Eren!" he defensively replies letting go of Eren.
  "Wait Levi, im sorry." Eren yelps tears filling his eyes and escaping.
  "Eren?" Levi whispers turning around to see him down on his knees weeping.
  Cry bunny, haha get it cry baby cry bunny haha im lonely... Levi thinks.
  "Eren im not going to leave. And get off that floor its fithly." Levi yells desperately.
  "Huh?" Eren stops crying and looks at the floor and then to Levi and back to the floor.
  "I said get off that floor its fithly!" Levi shouts loudly and picks up Eren.
  "Aren't I heavy?!"
  "No, hold on I want to show you something."
  Levi sets Eren down and grabs his hand as he starts walking out the door and down the hall. He pulls him outside but doesn't stop and continues to bring Eren into the forest next to the physicality. They stop at an abandoned house.
  "What is this?"
  "Just come in."
  Eren walks into the old house. He sees a big white sheet on the ground covered in red and black.
  "Did you take me out here to kill me?" Eren says histaricly with some fear.
  "Pfft no."
  Levi pulls a sheet off of a big canvas reveling a beautiful painting of some kind of human-like-beast eating a human.
  "Levi it's-its"
  "Yeah, yeah I know bad, terrifying, blah, blah, i've heard it before."
  Eren runs up to Levi and puts a hand over his mouth, making Levi tense."No. It's beautiful.",Eren says pulling his hand away from Levi's mouth.
  "Er. Thank you." he turns away hidding a blush.
  "What does this mean to you, Levi?"
  He looks up at the painting.
"To me it's how the world is."
"Im intrigued. Please continue."
Levi sits on the floor Eren following.
  "Ok so think about this...."
Muhahaha cliff hanger. His speech will be in the next chapter ill write it quick but good dont worry guys.

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