Shining eyes

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                   {Levi's POV}
   I did it. I finally did it. I took Eren on a date. Yeah it isn't much. Just my paint "house" rigged out, I guess. My painting and canvases lined up on the walls, paint cans in the corner and placed around to put candles on, and a table I found in the back set in the middle. The table wasn't fancy but it was nicer after being wiped down. I was completely surprised, but glad, when Eren liked it.
   "Let's get this started. Shall we?"
   "Sounds great Levi."
Now it's time to dazzle him. With what, exactly? No idea. I have spent the while morning setting all this up and stealing food from the kitchen though. So, maybe the food will be good. Maybe us just talking will be enough for him. Maybe. Maybe, maybe, maybe. It's all maybes at the moment isn't it? This is such torture.
   Grabbing Eren's hand I walk over to the table and have him sit down. His smile is brighter than porcelain white. I smiled softly back. I've never really smiled before. Eren got me to, he makes me really happy.
  With my final thought I walked to another room. Coming back a few minutes later with two dishes behind my back. Eren looked up at me with interest and joy mixed together in his titan green eyes.
    "Levi? What's behind your back?" Eren asked trying to see.
   "I hope you don't mind how horrible and sucky it is." I reply hesitantly as I set the plates down.
   Eren gasped slightly at his dish. Why, I have no idea. It's just spaghetti with a small salad. Like, it's so simple. It isn't nice expensive food but if he likes it then whatever.
    "Sorry it's not much. I did my be-"
    Eren cut me off by pulling me into a kiss by my shirt. His soft lips screamed passion at me as his hand left my shirt, his lips following sooner then I am ok with. And he looked up at me happily.
    "This is amazing, Levi. I love it." he said grabbing my hand and gesturing for me to sit down.
   I understood and sat down, as he held my hand ontop of the table. He started eating and so did I, a blush taking over my usually pale white face.
    "So, red face, what made you set up all of this?" he giggled slightly.
      "Oh, uh. You know, you are cute, smart, kind, beautiful, amazing, god so many things, and I thought you deserved to be treated specially."
   "O-oh." he looked down blushing a deep maroonish red.
  And that's pretty much how the dinner went. Us talking, making each other blush and get flustered, it was enjoyable.
   "Levi it's getting dark out. Won't everyone notice we are gone?"
  "No. I have someone taking care of that. Come on I have one more thing." I replied getting up and grabbing Eren's hand.
   We walked outside to the front and I walked him over to a blanket I had set out previously. We sat down quietly and I turned to him.
   "So, uh, do you like stargazing?"
   He nodded. "I love it."
  "Perfect." I replied wrapping my arms around him and laying down.
   Eren blushed and cuddled into me. He turned towards the sky and stared up at it. The stars sparkled in his eyes like little lanterns. He wasn't a little lantern though, he was a full sun in my dark night. He was a flash light in my gloomy basement. He was my everything. And as he lay next to me on a blanket in the brink of night, I knew for damn sure that I love him. I love his smile, his eyes, his hair, his personality, his voice, his mind, all of him.
    "L-levi you are staring at me..." Eren stuttered out looking at me.
   "Oh sorry" I apologized not looking away "Eren..."
   "What is it?"
   I swallowed and looked him right in the eyes "I love you Eren."
   He stared at me in silence. My mind started racing. He hates me. He doesn't love me back. He thinks im horrible. God why did I tell him. And to confirm my thoughts he got up. He just got up, and walked away. He didn't say a word as he left me there, sitting there with the stars burning into me like little fires in the sky, and I wanted them to burn me. I wanted them to burn me down.
    "E-eren w-wait..." I cried out to the darkness.
   Nothing. No one. I'm alone. So so alone. Tears started to pour down my face. They felt like cuts as I realized how alone I truly was. A strong gust of wind bit into my face as I looked up into the sky.
   "Why am I always left alone?" I whispered to no one.
   I sat like that until the sun grew nigh, leaving me to get up make sure the candles were out and go back inside going to my room and sitting on the bed. Feeling more alone then ever I stared at my healed wrists, I have been here so long they got the chance. What I wouldn't do to break the skin again, to watch my blood be  be free of this confinement. My body is like a jail to me, at least I can get something to get out.
     I deserve to die. I deserve to be left. I think as I remember the look Eren gave me. It was as if he couldnt believe what I was saying, how a monster like me could love such an innocent soul like him. And I couldn't believe it either in all honesty. I'm just a monster. A disgusting monster who falls for sweet, loving, green eyed angels. Who could ever love a monster. No one.
  "No one." I repeated out loud and fell alseep. Welcoming the darkness that distances you from the world.
    Oh this will be a happy date, hm? Yeah, no fuck that. Let me just, you know, rip out your heart. Yay! Ok sorry, kinda, anyway hope you liked it!

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