Burning black

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                     {Eren's POV}
"It's so easy to fall in love. It's like a flamed red. A spotted pink. A happy yellow. A soft purple.It can also be a broken violet. A destroyed blue. A burning black. A faded white. A missing emerald green. That probably makes no sense to you. But its true anyways.", I said quietly.
It was my first time with a therapist alone. Yeah i've been to group meetings but no therapist ever talked to just me. I never minded of course, I haven't really been comfortable enough to do that.
"You don't seem to like talking to me Eren. Is everything ok?", Zoe asked me touching my shoulder gently.
No nothings fine. I don't know you and im suddenly talking to you. How the hell is everything ok!? I nodded slightly. To be fully honest Zoe is really sweet. But should I really trust them?
I cleared my throat,"Uh Mx. Zoe?"
"Yes Eren?"
"D-do you know Levi?"
Zoe seemed to smirk slightly at that, only for a second though, if at all.
"Eren im not allowed to give out information about any clients." she replied winking.
I smiled, "Right sorry. Uhm anything else? I've never really talked to anyone like this..." i started to tap my leg to calm my anxiety.
"Right. Are you comfortable to tell me why you are here yourself or would you like me to get that information somewhere else?"
Something made me think she was hinting at Levi. Everything seemed to be about Levi in my life recently. Looking forward to waking up to see Levi, getting my therapy session over to see Levi, trying to get better to be with Levi. So many things were about Levi now, it seemed like he helps me though.
"I-i prefer you just look for my records or something Mx. Zoe."
"Okie Eren. Well our session is over. Will I be seeing you again Eren?"
They got up and started walking to my door. I gave them a small, uncertain shrug. Zoe nodded and left, their shoes making satisfying clicks on the ground as they walked away.
I got up and looked out my window hoping to see the entrance to the forest that led to the house, but to my luck there was just trees. I walked over to my small dresser next to my bed, pretty much the only things in my room other than the entertainment center with some books and my notepad on it, and pulled on my blue skinny jeans that were laying on the ground.
A knock on the door made ne freeze. No one has ever knocked on my door before. It was just barging in, no privacy what so ever. A second knock brought me to moving to the door slowly.
A deep voice came from the other side softly, noticing my hesitation I assume"Eren, it's Levi."
After hearing that I dont think I have ever thrown a door open so quick. I don't even remember grabbing the handle I just remember suddenly seeing a short raven on the other side. But it wasn't just him standing there like I had met him, his hair was neatly placed as if he had spent hours on it. His usual loose t-shirt was replaced with a black sweater that hugged his chest. The grey piercing eyes, that had caught me when we met, seemed that the admiration was being returned. To finish of the perfect look he had black jeans that seemed almost like leggings, and white sneakers with black designs on them.
"Eh? Stop drooling over me!" Levi yelped a blush creeping up his face.
"Don't act like you didn't dress up so I would." I shot back.
"Shut up..." he mumbled.
"So, why you knocking on my door?"
"Oh I want you to come with me. I got us a date set up in the old house outside."
I blushed slightly "O-oh..." I looked down and gestured at what I was wearing.
"You look fine Eren." he reached up and messed with my hair slightly "Ok now you look fine. Amazing actually."
Before I could react he was pulling me down and pressing his lips against mine softly. I kissed back with the same gentleness, leaning into his soft touch. Even if it's cliché, it all ended to soon for my liking.
"Come on, Eren." he grabbed my hand gently and pulled me out of my room and after awhile we were in his old house in the woods. His paint house to be exact, but it was completely transformed.
  "Levi what...." I mumbled while looking at the interior of the house. Paintings were lined up along the walls with all of the paint cans stacked up in a corner. A old worn looking table with a velvety cover sat in the middle of the house, where the sheet covered in paint was when they first came here around it were to chairs acrossed from eachother. Candles were all over the room, on boxes and some paint cans that had been left out, casting a warm glow onto the table.
  "Sorry if it isn't something you like. I did my best to make it look nice and it was soo hard stealing candles." he said with a sigh.
  I couldn't even speak, my mouth felt dry as I looked at the shorter raven. He had a small shy smile and his eyes weren't so, I don't know, hard? They were soft, hopeful, and loving, like he was a bird with a broken wing that he helped heal.
   "If you don't like it just leave..." Levi looked down disappointed in himself.
  "L-Levi..." I stuttered out again, making him look up "I l-love it." I through my arms around him and held him closely.
    "You do?" Levi questioned, hugging me back, as I nodded frantically.
    "I've never had anyone do something like this for me!" I giggled pulling away "Thank you Levi."
  "Let's get this date started. Shall we?"
  "Sounds great Levi."
Hey sorry this was so late! I've been caught up with my horrible in person life and a great online life! Heh sounds depressing. Anyway, the date will be in the next chapter!

Broken Love //Ereri -RecontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now