Stupid ginger

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{Eren POV } (When he walked away from levi)
  "What is it?"
   He hesitates "I love you Eren."
  My heart stops. Suddenly he's blurry, he's not him. He's not my angel. He's not my levi. He's Grisha.
{Flash back}
  It's after 6. The clock ticks it's normal tick, but the room is off. It's dark, and someone's sitting infront of me. Their long hair and glasses throw me off at first, this man never talks to me.
   He smiles and looks me in the eyes "You know I love you eren?"
   I'm taken aback, he doesn't. He never has. He only hurts me. "N-no you dont." I find myself the courage to snap.
   He stops smiling and instead smirks. Like those villains in the comics my little sister would watch. My poor sister, he's hurt her too. But in a different way. The 'adult way' he says to her. Because she want to be an 'adult'. No adult touches a child like that.
    In the mist of my thoughts I remember my sister sitting next to me. Her short black hair shines in the light. Her eyes are wide with terror as he walks over to her. Her small frame shakes. I look over to see him pushing her to her knees.
I try to move but I realize I'm tied down. He's never tied me down before. He says he likes watching me struggle to fight back. I can't protect her. I can't save her. I never have been able to. I'm weak.
    My sister looks at me in terror as Grisha picks her up. I realize what's about to happen. I don't know what to do, I'm stuck. She can't fight. She has trouble eating and being happy enough to even stay healthy because of the bastard. She isn't a child anymore. After He touched her the innocence disappeared. She doesn't have a childhood anymore. He takes her to bed with him, some nights I know what's happening and I try to get out of my room, but he locks my door. I don't even have a window in my room.
    I scream. I scream as she disappears with him. I scream as I hear the door close. I scream as she yells for me. I scream as I shake the chair. I scream as I know exactly whats happening to her. I scream as I know why my mother lefts us with this bastard. And I scream as they come back out.
   My throat is cracking. Her face is red with tears and his smile makes me want him dead. I've always wanted him dead. He isn't a man. He isn't even a boy. He's a monster.
   "Now Eren hush up. It's over with and you can't do shit."
   He sets my sister down onthe chair she was on earlier. He turns to me and throws his hand back bringing it back around across my face, I can't scream anymore. My throat is too dry. The pain is overwhelming, but I've gotten used to it now. Tears don't come with it anymore.
   "Good boy." he remarks, thinking I voluntarily went quiet.
   He hits me again. And again. And again. My sister covers her ears and eyes, she knows this won't end for awhile. She peaks out at me and screams as blood spills out of my mouth. It's a dark red, like her pretty dress she used to dress up in with mom. left us with this man. And I hope you suffer because of this. I hope I die, and I hope you feel the guilt eat you.
  {End of flash back}
    Terror hits me and I get up. Everything still blurry as I stumble away. I don't hear Levi anymore. I only hear Grisha, his demonic laugh when my sister screams in his bed.
   I find my way to my room and go into it, leaving the door wide open and collapse on the bed. The feeling of the sheets brings me back to reality, but only for a second. I drift into what you would consider sleep, but felt more like the past.
   {Time skip brought to you by my horrible ass writing}
     Its been weeks since I saw Levi. I've gone to his room every day. The first couple of days I tried to talk to him. But the words never came out over his yells to leave him alone. After awhile I just sat by the door. I would read or write sometimes I'd even fall asleep.
    Today I fell asleep again. I always sleep well by his door. I guess it's because he's near me. But I'm scared he hates me. I left him when he told me such a vulnerable thing.
  I love you Eren.
    I always hear that in my head. Over and over, I wish I was with him. I wish I could just say sorry. I start falling asleep. My body slumps forward.
         I fall to my side after awhile, but I wake up. I don't know why. I just do. So I look at the time and sigh. Another Levi-less day... I get up and start walking back to my room.
    Sliding my hand into my pockets I feel a note. I stop and turn around. I have to at least give him the note. I stop at his door and slide the note in, I dont know if he will look at it. I don't even know if he cares anymore, but I have to.
    I stumble away again, only to stop once again. But this time I hear paper, paper being dragged across the floor. I rush back to Levi's door. And I hear him open it. I drop my head against the door and push my hand into it, I see him opening it in my mind and I slide down to my knees covering my mouth to muffle my sobs. My hair gets in my eyes.
    My throat aches as a sob cuts through "Im so sorry..."
     The door is thrown open. I pull back quickly and look up concerned and terror. If he was mad he might hurt me. I don't want to be hurt. I don't want to be broken down anymore.
     I get up and he pulls me into him. He closes the door behind me and keeps his arms around me. I drop my head down onto his shoulders.
    "Im s-so so-" I choke and he hugs my tighter.
      I'm home, honey....
There you go! I was so happy to finally write Erens POV!! Then I got sad about where I went with it sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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