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It's now in Levi's POV. Hope you like it poured my heart into it ❤

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Eren sat down with me staring intently waiting for me to finish my sentence. I started over trying to recover from his eyes digging into me.
"Um, think about this we as humans think that animals such as a bear or a lion are the most dangerous and the biggest threat. But when you think about it animals dont just go and murder each other over money or politics or sexual orientation they kill to eat and survive. We do kill people for no reason and we kill animals for sport. Humans are the biggest threat to the world. People are the biggest threat to everyone and everything. The world would be better without us. People are devouring each other. Do you understand, Eren?"
I look over at Eren. He has his eyes closed. Did he fall asleep?
"Eren?", I say poking him in the nose. He lunged forward and bit my finger. "Ow. Eren!"
He collapses laughing. I love his laugh, its so adorable. Man his laugh is also contagious and I soon was on the floor beside him laughing.
"Eren, why did you close your eyes?" I asked once we stopped laughing.
"I was listening to what you were saying. I didn't just want to hear what you were saying."
"Eren...why would you wanna listen to what I say?" I looked him in the eye confused.
"Levi. You are such an amazing poute. You speak the truth. And i love your voice." Eren looks me in the eye too making me blush.
He cuts me off by kissing me. His lips seem softer than last time we kissed and I didn't want the moment to end. I had to let go though so Eren could breath.
"Eren. Im so happy to be here with you. I think I like you. I know we barely know each other and I've tried to push it away but I couldn't and every time I see you they grow stronger and stronger it hurts and I dont know what to do." I look at Eren and its impossible to tell what he's feeling.
"Levi, that's great I like you too! I dont know how either but I dont think that matters."
My worry vanished from my face and was replaced with joy. I stood up abruptly ,making Eren jump, remembering something I had wanted to show him. I ran to the back of the room hearing his footsteps follow. I stopped at a painting I had recently done and pulled of the cover I had over it. Making Eren gasp. It was an elaborate painting I had been working on for a while now. It was a sunset over the ocean. The sunset was made of reds, oranges, pinks, purples, and yellows.
"It's beautiful and reminds me of a poem."
"Really? Id like to hear it. If thats ok"
"Ok um...the ocean is like rain, soaking me at night. A roller coaster, rocking side to side. Soaking my thoughts, washing them clean, to make room for a new dream. A blessing in disguise. Crash...It flies into the side making the day look like the night. It runs over the rocks and jumps through the sky. The sweet and satisfying scent taking me up high. Oh how I wish i could claim the ocean as mine." he finishes the whole time looking at the painting.
"That's beautiful. Who wrote it?"
"Uh I did."he replies blushing madly.
"Who ever knew a beautiful person could right something so beautiful?"
"Levi shut up." he bats playfully at my arm.
"Better watch out I may pounce" I say right as I jump onto him.
"Ahhhh Levi dont tickle me ill kill you!!!"
"Thanks for the idea Eren!" I scream tickling him.
I stopped 3 minutes later reluctantly and instead smothered him with kisses which he was ok with. Thankfully.
"Levi don't we have another session to go to?"
"Booorrriiinnnggg" I said dragging it out extra long.
"If were not there they might think somethings going on and you know that's strictly forbidden."
"Fine let's go."
I got up and offered my hand to Eren. He declined muttering something about how I need to be careful with my leg and we started walking back close by each other. His hand would touch mine and make me blush which he didn't seem to notice, he just kept walking looking forward.
When we got to the edge of the forest we stopped, he stared at the doors as I stared at him, confused. Before i had the chance to ask him if he was ok the door opened to reveal a women making us both dart into some bushes to the left of us. Eren landing on top of me. We sat there until we saw the women leave in a taxi. Getting up I saw Eren staring at the building, still.
"Eren?",I touched his shoulder softly which seemed to startle him, making him dart away quickly terror in his eyes.
"Eren is everything ok!?", I beg, stepping towards him.
"Y-yeah im fine",he muttered looking down at his feet "It's nothing."
"It's obviously something.", I reply taking another step towards him, he doesn't seem to notice.
Eren looks up at me, "Why", he hesitated,taking a deep breath he started again "Why are we acting like this? We act like we know each other and we kiss and tease each other. I don't know you last name or your favorite, anything!"
His tone was high and weak.
"Why are you even attracted to me?",he squeaked out in pain, making me feel horrible.
He started crying. He seemed to do that alot. I wraped my arms around him holding him close. He leaned into me grabbing the front of my shirt, like he had when we first met, and shakily sobbed.
"Eren. I dont know why I have these feelings either. They just, are here, honestly I don't want to question them. Even if it turns out that this relationship gets destroyed, i'll be happy we were together. We can spend more time together and learn more about each other ok. Just tell me though if you dont want to be together and i'll leave you alone. Ok?"
Erens shaking slowed down as I talked. Once I finished he looked at me, his titan green eyes filled with love and confusion.
"Why would I not want to be with you?", he asked softly standing straight. Even thou he isn't.
I shrugged, " I am kinda messed up. You know with the paintings and stuff."
"Its not messed up",he defended me "Its uniquely beautiful"
This made me laugh confusing him. I looked up at him and he shook his head. He bent down, grabbing the back of my neck, and kissed me softly. Unreluctently I opened my mouth slightly to from a gasp but was cut off by Eren sliding his tongue into me mouth. Startling me I grabbed his shirt which I just now noticed had lacing at the point of the V-neck. Talk about girly. He pulled away, I instinctively leaned forward trying to keep the connection from breaking but he got away.
"H-hey...", I breathed out.
"Sorry, but we have to go inside before the meeting starts." he muttered before walking towards the physicality. Prison as I call it. I followed behind him around 5 mintues later to keep people from suspecting anything and went to where the meeting was held. Eren and a few other people were sitting there and I joined them. They talked about some show called "Attack on Titan" which I didn't bother getting caught up in. Eren is the only person I have talked to, and im not about to change that. I did, however, learn Erens favorite color more like shade, favorite show, and favorite food. Grey I wonder why, Attack on Titan Obviously, and burgers simple.
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Hope you guys liked it. That poem is mine.

Broken Love //Ereri -RecontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now