Idiotic blue

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{Levi's POV}
   How did I even get attached to that little shit? It makes no sense what size ever. He came into here, he met me and I cradled him in my arms. (enter Voltron joke here) I barely knew the brat and told him things I've never told my old best friends. He meant the world to me so fast I didn't know if he was my universe or my shooting star. I know now, that he was a shooting star. He came so quick and was gone so soon.
        It hurt to know that he wasn't with me anymore, so I never left my room. People would come and try to talk to me but I would tell them to leave before I even knew who they were. By tell,  I mean screamed so loud the whole house heard me. Soon people would stop knocking. Recently I haven't felt alone, like someone was sitting next to me to keep me happy. Which is impossible. I haven't left this room for a week or 2. Hanji would give me food though, so I didn't starve, which I only ate when I was out of it.
    Someone has been sitting in front of my door every day. They come every morning and leave near noon,  then come back an hour later and leave near midnight. As far as I know they haven't talked to me, but then again I haven't let anyone talk. I'm tempted open the door to see who it is. It's got my curiosity. I don't think I will though, it could be a trap or some shit. I tell myself that anyway to keep myself from doing it. But, why would there be a trap? For me too?
    Oh well. I guess I'll never know.  Even if I want to. Even if I want to so bad I find myself sitting next to the door.  Tempted to speak to the person on the other side.  It's a bad idea, I don't know what could happen. What could happen? Could I be killed? Attacked? Hit? Kicked? Greeted? Hugged? Kissed? Great now I'm thinking of Eren.
    Eren. Where are you? What happened? Because of you I have so many questions. No, it's not your fault. It's all my fault. I told you I loved you and then let you walk away from me.  I just stared at you as you walked away. I didn't even think of moving. I wish I knew what was happening to you. What was going through your mind.
   I found myself sitting next to the door again. I could hear the persons soft breath, they fell asleep. God that must be so uncomfortable. They were leaned up against the door but from where there breath was heard they weren't sitting up right, probably fell forward. I found myself wondering if Even ever slept like that. He was clumsy enough to do that. I'd help him sit back up as he slept, sitting on his lap and leaning forward to keep him up, his head on my shoulder. I'd end up falling asleep too.
   I found myself smiling, and I wasn't mad at myself for it. There's no reason to be mad about loving the green eyed angel Eren is. He deserves to be loved. He deserves the world and everything in it, but the world doesn't deserve him. He's to perfect for this horrid world. And he's to perfect for me. He was a song. Flowing beautifully, like a song that makes you think of love, hate, safety. So many feelings you start to get lost in it all. And then the song ends,  and you realize where got are,  who you are. And all those feelings vanish.
  The body on the other side of the door fell to their side, their breath staying heavy, in a deep sleep. Maybe it's time to look? Maybe it's time to see who this mysteries person is. So I stand up and grab the door knob,  I turn it slowly. The person on the other side makes a quick breath in and sits up.  I let go of the knob and back away.
  It's 1 in the morning which they seem to realize and get up.  They walk away slowly, obviously still half asleep. I listen to their footsteps as they drag along the ground, getting further, and further, and further. I find myself imagining them after awhile and sigh. I lost my chance. I'm good at that, losing my chances. I'm good at losing. I'm good at losing everything.
   I sit on my bed, leaning my back against the wall and pulling my sketch book out from under my pillow. I open it to my saved page and take the pencil out from under my pillow too. It's late, and I'm tired. But I draw. I draw a door, and a clock, and I figure laying awake in a bed. The figure has hair down to around it's ears, and it's a mess under their head. They have a smaller head, no face, and biggish ears. Above the figures head is a clock that reflects a black door.
   I glance at my door in thought. Was that Eren? Was the person sitting outside my door, the one person who I can't get off my mind? My heart stops as a note is said under the door. I must not have heard the steps as I was thinking. The not had two words across the side I couldn't see that said "Forgive Me" in sloppy but nice handwriting. The foot steps started moving away, so I got up slowly and grabbed the not off the ground rather loudly. The paper scraps across the ground, making the foot steps stop and turn around walking slowly back to my door.
   I stare at the note as the foot steps stop at my door, a loud noise is made as the other person drops their head against the door. A hand pushes on the door slightly and their breath shakes. A sob breaks through their breaths, they side down the door and sit down. Muffling their sobs with, what I assume is, their hands. Another sob breaks out of their chest unwelcomed.
   " I'm so sorry... " they choke out through the words.
My eyes widen in surprise.
🌹 🍃
Here you are. Sorry it's so late! I got stuck in what to write for awhile! I hope you enjoyed it!

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