Chapter 3

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Gray snuggled under the sheets so as to stray warm. It was a cold autumn night. A night Gray got to carve in their "good memories" section.
-Today was a good day, Gray whispered to themselves even though they wished they had acted in a less embarrassing manner. But they still smiled for they were happy. And that was something really rear for them.
Next day they woke up, ignoring their mother's shouting and left the house quickly. It was Saturday so they had no school today. Thus they had decided to spend this day looking for the girl they had met last night.
Since the club she worked did not open till 8, Gray had decided to ask around about her. Even thought they hated people, they had their way of finding out almost everything about them.
After a couple of hours all Gray knew about the girl was that her name was Nike and that she had a major angry management issue. She kept picking fights with anyone that irked her. Some said that she had killed people. And of course this got Gray a lot more curious. So they decided to head top the SnM club since it was about to open.
As they got in they immediately asked for Nike and to their luck she happened to be free at the time.
-Oh it's the lost hare, said Nike as she entered the small room with the round bed. You came to see me again?
Gray nodded and approached the strange girl.
-But you knew I cannot do anything to you right? You are under 18...
-Can I know your last name then? I paid so I don't think it is much to ask.
Nike exhaled and nodded.
-I don't know why you care but it is Stanfield. Now tell me...What are u doing here kid?
Gray stared at the ceiling and said nothing. After 5 minutes of silence Nike chuckled.
-Maybe you should go home.
-Leather suits you! Gray almost shouted. And black in general... And... And green hair... So... Stay as you are!!
The minute they finished this, pathetic as they thought, attempt to be liked by Nike, they run outside once again, leaving Nike behind dumbfounded.

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