Chapter 4

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Gray knew they had made a fool of themselves but they did not care. They had obtained Nike's last name, meaning that now they had the chance to find more about her. And they did not know why but they were happy. So happy that they ignored their mother calling them on their cell phone.
By the time they got home their mother was furious and as always drunk. But Gray was so happy they did not pay attention to the bad comments she was spouting at them. They simply listened and smiled. After their mother was done they went to their room and researched the name Nike Stanfield for about 4 hours.
They found out where she lived, a bit about her background and her tumblr account. Gray could easily be a hacker if they wanted to. But they were simply too bored to care about any human being. Of course things changed when Nike appeared.
Gray thought her name was beautiful. Reminded them of Greek Gods and violence. They wanted to know more about her. So they decided to visit Nike's house with the small hope that they would get a chance to talk to her once again (hopefully properly this time).
They wore their favorite clothes and touched their make-up. Took their house keys from the drawer and headed out.
It was about 5pm when they reached Nike's house and since they had no idea what to do they hid behind some bushes. To their luck, the bush they decided to hide behind was directly under Nike's bedroom window. So they could technically see everything.
Suddenly, they saw a black shadow approaching the window. It was Nike obviously but Gray had realized it was her just from her figure, despite only seeing her twice. She just stood there, looking out of her window into the vast sky. She was only wearing her underwear and black leather pants.
«Darn she is beautiful», Gray thought silently as they tried to hide their presence even better.
Then, out of the blue, their heart sank and what they saw made them freeze in place. A light blonde haired girl had entered the room and had drawn Nike's absolute attention. Before Gray could even blink the blond girl was kissing Nike passionately. And Nike seemed to enjoy it quite a lot as she closed the curtains and begun to undress her companion.
Gray was beyond shocked.
«I should have known» they whispered to themselves trying to hold back their tears. «Of course she has a girlfriend... As always my luck is worse than Hitler's movie».
Being unable to handle what was happening, Gray stared running towards a small little forest they used as a hideout. Their eyes felt heavy and steamy tears were streaming down both their cheeks.
When they reached the forest they were sobbing heavily and when they reached the lake, located in the middle on the forest, they collapsed on the ground. They hastily took out the blades they kept with them and started cutting ever visible skin part they could find. This was the only way they could stop their racing heart and tears.
So they cut and cut and cut till they felt nothing but numbness. And then they just laid there wishing nothing more than to disappear in this forest tonight.
They looked at the stars. So pretty... Why was everything so pretty yet Gray constantly felt like escaping life?
Why have they gotten their hopes up?
Why did they even care in the first place?
Why did they even care at that point?
«I wish I had a shut brain button» wished Gray and before they knew it they had fallen asleep.

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