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They woke up covered in soft snow. It had just begun snowing so they were not in danger. They looked at their clock. 12 pm. They had slept for almost 6 hours.
They quickly got up and headed to their house. When they got there their mother was waiting for them. She seemed angry. Not worried or anxious. Just angry.
-Where have you been? She asked in a threatening tone.
-O..out... Gray painfully replied and looked down in order to hide their, still puffy, eyes.
-It is beyond your curfew. You know what this means right?
-But I was... Gray tried.
-Shut up! I don't want to hear it! Get inside!
-... No... said Gray firmly avoiding their mother's gaze.
-What... did you just say? Their mother asked in a trembling, full of hate voice.

-I said no Susan. This was the first time Gray called their mother by her first name. This was also the first time they ever said no to their mother.
Susan seemed furious and before Gray could react they were pulled inside the house by their hair. They were then beaten mercilessly for about 10 minutes. And no matter their pleas and cries their mother did not stop, till they had fainted. She then left them to the ground to sleep.
When Gray came to, they realized how hungry they were. So they got up and walked slowly top the kitchen. They proceeded to make themselves a sandwich and eat it quietly. They knew that after what they had seen they would need time to fix themselves. They truly wondered if they could this time.
Truth is that the only reason they did not kill themselves yet was because they wanted to die gracefully, at the age off eighteen, the same day they were born. A perfect cycle. This is all they wished of their pitiful life. To end beautifully.
So what they did was desociating. Not taking to anyone or anything for as long as it takes to feel ok again. And it made sense. Since people created problems all Gray had to do is stay away from them. For as long as out takes to mend their mental wounds.

Gray shadesWhere stories live. Discover now