Part 9

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Chapter 9
Gray was once again alone. They did not like it. Now that they were sure about their feelings for Nike, they did not want a moment away from her. But they knew they had to wait for Nike's feelings too.
They did not want to be hurt...
Suddenly their phone vibrated.
"Can we meet please?" they read. It was a message form Nike.
Gray was shocked to be honest. They did not expect a text from anyone really and more importantly form their crush.
"-Sure thing" they replied quickly, as they tried to memorize the information for the meet up point. It was surprisingly close to their little hideout in the forest.

They then quickly proceeded to get dressed and fix their gray hair. They wore a soft white blouse with a sheep on it and their only pair of long black pants.

When the time came to meet up with Nike, Gray was not sure on how to behave. They have not seen each other for 2 months, so should they smile and act friendly? Act more intimate? Or maybe be cold and distant? What was safer for their fragile heart?

-Yo! Nike interrupted Gray's thoughts. You are early.

She went for a hug but quickly regretted it and simply waved to the kid while offering them a cola. Gray took it thankfully.

-I am always 5 to 10 minutes early. I like being punctual.

-Nice. Hey listen um... She hesitated. Wanna take a walk maybe? This forest is well known for its awesome landscape. There is even a lake!

She seemed excited. Like a child when they see a balloon. Her eyes had this weird sparkle Gray would swear they have seen before somewhere.

-Sure. They replied swiftly not wanting to cut Nike's excitement off, by telling them they knew everything about the forest.

They both started moving inside the forest following a standard path, just walking in awkward silence. long have you been stalking me? Asked Nike.

Gray did not reply. Mainly because they were trying to remember where they had seen the spark is Nike's eyes before.

-Heyyyyy talking to you...uhhh what was your name again? Nike just realized she did not even know Gray's name.

-It's Gray. Gray replied softly. And 2 weeks...

-Oh...ok. And when did you learn to fuck that good?! You seemed so inexperienced.

Nike had gone from 0 to 100 real quick. Gray got all flushed and looked down without replying. Thank the universe it was dark and no one could see how red they were.

Then suddenly Nike stopped walking and stayed still. Gray stopped too and simply stared at Nike. Then the most bizarre thing happened.

All that Gray could remember was Nike whispering their name and a swift grasp of their chin. After that all was hazy. Nike had kissed them in an unexpected impulse movement. All that Gray could think of was how they liked it and whether or not it meant something. So, when Nike pulled away, they dropped their cola and run to their secret hideout confused.

Not much time has passed and Nike found her way there. She slowly approached Gray waiting for a hate rant. When she saw that Gray was just looking at her without saying anything she approached them offered them their cola.

-You dropped this... When she did not get an answer they slowly moved forward "trapping" Gray against a tree.

-Look.... These past 2 months... I had time to think and short out some things. I... am sorry for the kiss... I did not mean it to happen. I just really could not control myself.

Gray was not sure what to say so they kept being silent. Nike on the other hand took a deep breath and continued.

-I don't know about you but... I know for a fact that you make me happy and... I like that and I may- most probably be in... love with you.

Was that a confession? Gray could not really tell since their mind was blank from the shock.

-And I am not saying that, cause I miss Crystal or to use you or anything you might be thinking right now. I truly love you... She continued. And all I want is to be happy and I am when I am with you and~

She was interrupted by a pair of plum lips against hers. Then the sensation of hot wetness on her cheeks. Gray was crying and kissing her and smiling, all at the same time. All this of course without breathing. Meaning that they had to stop at some point, so as to breathe.

-Jeez, no has ever been so happy about me loving them. Kidded Nike but deep down she knew how serious she was. I must tell you I am a handful and a hopeless emo romantic.

-That will do, whispered Gray. Because really, telling that they just got everything they asked for would perhaps be intimidating.

-So... um... what now, shall I kneel and ask you to be mine? Asked Nike. Or, she continued while grabbing Gray's waist. Should I steal another kiss?

She did not really wait for an answer as she leaned in and interlocked her lips with Gray's, feeling this little tingly feeling on her chest. A feeling she thought to have, by now, forgotten.

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