Part 10

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Chapter 10

Epilogue (a.k.a out of ideas and not in the mood for more drama):

Gray took the keys out and pushed the heavy wooden door open. The lights were off and it seemed like no one was there.

-Nike? They called but no one answered.

"That is weird... She should have been home by now."

They looked at the clock. 11 pm. Nike returned from work at 9.

-Uhh... Nike? They moved forward and let their bag down, trying to find their phone.

Suddenly the lights flickered open and Gray had to shut their eyes.

-Happy birthday... They heard and as they opened their eyes, they saw Nike, covered in wiped cream and holding a small cupcake with a candle on top.

-Well...umm I messed up in the kitchen soo I only have this, she said avoiding Gray's gaze embarrassed.

Gray smiled. All the bad, worried thoughts they had a minute ago vanished as they walked quickly towards Nike and hugged her.

-Hey wait... ahh you got dirty now, exhaled Nike as she let the cupcake down and held her favorite being tightly. Missed ya.

-I missed you too. Gray chuckled. Sooo where is my gift?

Nike turned bright red.

-It's... For later... Eat your cupcake first! She said  trying to avoid the subject.

-But I wanna seeeee... Fake-begged Gray.

-Am I not enough of a gift? Asked Nike smirking and pulled Gray into a passionate kiss.

-Good enough, said Gray and tenderly caressed Nike's left cheek. Happy birthday to me, they added and once again fell in their love's arms, slowly moving to their bedroom for their "gift".

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