Part 8

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Chapter 8
The truth is that sex was not allowed at the club. Funny sounding, Nike had always thought. Well she was done working there anyway. The thing was that she had never had sex in general with anyone but her ex. She had no idea on what to do. What she had done last night was... careless. She did not really know the person next to her. And yet she had come to learn the most intimate things about them. She knew why this happened of course and she though that this was not fair to the little hare she came so close to. For she knew that Gray was in love with her. And she did not know how to respond. Truth is she kinda liked the kid but she knew noting about them.
All these thoughts, so early in the morning made Nike's head hurt. So she got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath, leaving Gray sleeping peacefully. As she washed her hair slowly she thought of sticking with the kid did not seem like a bad idea. She would surely like them. But well... this was unfair again. She did not love them. She loved no one. And no one loved her. This was always the case. Funny thing how she thought this could change with Crystal.
«Fuck...» she thought as she tasted salty tears run on her cheeks. She was just... angry. Angry that she could not hate the only thing she ever loved. Something really peculiar for her, since she tended to hate everything. She was interrupted form the thoughts when she heard footsteps coming her way.
-Hey... Gray said reluctantly and before Nike could reply they continued. I... just want you to know that I had fun but I am not stupid. I understand that what you did was because of your ex. Thus I will not ask you for more. I just wanted to thank you. I will go now.
Nike was shocked. She did not want them to go. And how the fuck were they so realistic even only 18? Without realizing it she had grabbed their hand.
-Nike? What is wrong?
-How do you know about me and Crystal, was all she could ask. Truth is had just now realized that. Gray seemed to know way too much.
-Are you staking me or something? She joked.
Gray looked down and said nothing.
-Hey... I was joking.. Did you really...?
Gray nodded bitterly.
-Oh... uhh at least you only admit it... That is something. Really most people that have done it to me denied it strongly even in front of hard proof. Plus they were not as pretty as you. She chuckled.
-You are more pretty... said Gray like they both took part in a competition. And odd... But the good odd though.
Nike smiled. Genuinely. She had not smiled like that for quite sometime. Since the time Crystal started drifting away. She was not stupid. She knew what this meant. Gray was making her happy. So she did the one thing she found reasonable at the time. She grabbed Gray's hand, pulled them closer, which resulted to them getting wet from the sprinkling water and kissed them. Gray was shocked and pulled back.
-Look Nike.. I really don't want to get hurt...
-You won't... I promise. Nike said. And she knew that she always kept her promises. So she kept kissing Gray's neck.
-I don't trust you..
-Look I have fallen for you but the truth is.. I don't know you... And I wish to do so. Generally I have difficulty trusting people... So I will need time for you too.
-I understand. But in case you want to do it again hit me up. No strings attached.
Gray smiled.
-Thank you... for respecting me.
-I understand really... I am like you on this aspect.
Gray smiled and placed a tender kiss on Nike's cheek.
-See you around... They said and simply left the room leaving Nike in a state of confusion.

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