Part 7

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The club had the usual unpleasant smell Gray disliked. And the air was filled with sexual tension. The room Gray was in seemed dirty and ominous. A couple of whips laid bare atop a small table. Gray noticed all of them were different. One was black leather bound and had white leather stripes at the end. The one next to it was also black but at the end it only had a thicker line of leather. Right next to it was a wooden paddle. Gray found it pretty. It was light brown and had carvings upon its handle. Beautiful flowers and swirly vortexes that kept you captivated.
Without realizing Gray had gone close to it and was slowly caressing it.
-Hey... They heard a tired voice behind them.
They turned around and saw the person they had come to adore.
-Will you run off again after saying things that make no sense little hare? Cause if so get it over with... I am not really in the mood.
Gray looked at Nike's face. She had tried to cover her tear stained face with make up. A failed attempt really. Gray could see her eyes. They seemed... tired.
They opened their mouth to speak but they had no idea what to say. So they calmly moved close to the deal haired girl and touched her lips whispering "I'm sorry".
Nike's eyes held sorrow. Gray could see it now that they were closer.
-Why are you sorry? Asked Nike. You... are not the reason I am like this...
Gray could not take their eyes of her. They wanted to help but they did not know how. So they moved closer and they cupped Nike's face. Then softly kissed her lips. They felt like kissing the pedals of a rose right after the rain. It was a gentle kiss. A kiss too pure for Nike to handle. So she pushed Gray aside.
-This is not how you kiss lost hare... She uttered.
Then suddenly pushed Gray on the black covered bed and climbed atop of them. Gray was shocked but remained calm. But before they knew it Nike had grabbed their neck and was biting down their lips. Then she preceded to kiss them ferociously almost choking them with her tongue. When she stopped Gray was panting and trembling from the excitement.
-This... is how you kiss...
Gray opened their mouth but they felt no voice coming out. So they extended their arms and hugged Nike tightly. They felt her warmth and immediately knew what they would say. So they got close to her ear and said clearly:
-I want you...please...
Nike found herself unable to hold herself back, as she started undressing Gray. White soft skin captivated her and she started kissing it. She could not stop. She was so sad. So sad it hurt. All she wanted was to feel something more than this pain. The only pain she could not control.
-Ahh! She heard as she bit Gray's neck a bit to hard.
She did not bother to ask if the person in front of her was ok. At the moment she was fixated on the sex drive that was boiling inside her stomach. Gray did not seem to mind. They were the ones that asked for this in the first place. And when they saw Nike remove her top, they knew this was exactly what they wanted.
Nike was so beautiful. Soft skin and rough hands full of scars, tracing all over Gary's body. The feeling was incredible. Every stroke of skin on skin brought Gray closer to crying. They felt happy. And God Nike was skilled. By touching their chest alone she had achieved the greatest feeling Gray had ever felt. Then she moved to their pants, teasingly taking them off. Gray closed their eyes. Not because they felt scared, but because they could but handle such beauty in front of them. Suddenly, they felt their cheeks being cupped.
The opened their eyes and saw the must beautiful pair of eyes stating down at them. Red sweaty face, full of desire and lust looking at them like they were the most proud jewel in the inverse. And plum pink lips leaning closer only to touch theirs in a frenzy of passion. Tongues battling for dominance. And every time Gray seemed to win, Nike would push their body downwards and make them give up.
When they felt like dying from the lack of oxygen they would push Nike's chest lightly. After the 3rd time this happened Nike losed her pants and forced Gray's waist upwards while placing a pillow under it. Then she started kissing their thighs repeatedly moving closer to their sensitive area. Gray panicked and closed their thighs.
-Are you scared little hare?
-I'm not little.. I am 2 years younger than you.
-But are you?
Gray did not reply. They simply looked away blushing vividly. Nike chuckled and spread their legs licking them teasingly. Gray started trembling. They had never felt this good on their life. Their mind went blank and they could no longer contain their moans, so they let it all out. That of course was something that made Nike extremely eager to continue harder.
After a good 10 minutes Gray begged her to stop.
-It's not fair. They said. Only me feeling good.
-Oh you have not felt good yet, trust me. Nike replied and looked Gray straight in the eyes.
She then lifted Gray and placed them lightly close to the bed's top. Then grabbed both their hands and raised them above their head. Gray gulped but said nothing.
-Stay here. Nike ordered in a husky voice.
Gray did as they were told and remained still. Nike got up and opened one of the drawers of the small table where the whips were located. She took out a silky black ribbon and returned to the bed. Without uttering a word she tired Gray to the bed.
-Too tight?
Gray nodded no since they could not really speak. They were too busy admiring Nike's flawless body. Nike suddenly tightened the restrains making Gray wake up from their lust filled black out.
-Ouch! The said looking at Nike questionably.
Nike simply smirked and slowly traced her fingers from the ribbon to Gary's shaft, arousingly. She then hesitated for a bit but quickly shook of the feeling of sorrow and moved her hand in a way that made Gray tear up from pleasure. Orgasmic voices and the sound of skin on skin filled the room immediately.
-W..wait Nike..., pleaded Gray right before they came for the millonth time. Their body felt tired and they were twitching. Nike looked at them tenderly and kissed their belly. Then got up lazily and untied their small "hare" who quickly curled up. She held them tightly and waited till both their breathings were stabilized. Then she lit up a cigar and kissed Gary's wrists and lips with care.
And they just stayed like this. Gray fell asleep in Nike's chest and Nike well smoked her cigar and caressed Gary's hair till she as well fell asleep.

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