Chapter 6

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The next day and the day after that, Gray stayed locked in their room, solely looking at a wall and listening to punk metalcore as loud as possible.
"Pull the trigger bitch". Suicide Silence. No pity for a coward. A song Gray had listened to for over 1000 times today. But this time around that specific verse got stuck on their mind. They got up and opened a small carved wooden box. They took out some cash they were saving and quickly counted them. 352$. Quite enough.
Gray hated materialism. Tons of useless things people bought just to satisfy their crave of possessiveness. To Gray materials just got in the way and were simply left behind when you were gone.
Ignoring these thoughts they took the money and headed out without taking to anyone. It was like everyone had just disappeared. As they walked, the lyrics of the song wetter flashing in their head and without realizing it they had reached the gun shop, located a few miles away from their house.
They got in without paying any attention to the shopkeeper kissing somebody on the booth.
-I want a 5. Revolver Pistol. Gray said while looking down so as to cover their still red eyes.
-S..sure. Uttered the shopkeeper as they sloppily pushed their partner away to get a gun.
-You ok kid? The partner asked.
Gray looked up, only to see the same blonde girl they had seen at Nike's room. Shock was the only emotion they felt. Then anger. Then hate. How could someone have something so beautiful and want more? They did not understand. They did not want to understand too. What the girl in front of them radiated was pure disgust. They only wanted to get away from them and warn everyone about her bad behavior.
-Want some water maybe? The girl's voice woke Gray of their thoughts.
- You... are the luckiest person in this whole world. And yet... you act so stupidly.
-Excuse me?
-Nike will be angry...
The girl's eyes widened but before she could answer the shopkeeper got in with the gun.
-Here u go young lad.
Gray had their eyes glued on the girl. Yes! She should be shocked! She should be scared!
-Thank u, they said and paid without never braking eye contact with the girl.
-You know nothing of me and Nike. Shouted the blond haired person as Gray turned to leave. We... She... I was in love with the idea of her... I just need time to tell her and-
-And till you do you decided to play around. Said Gray furiously, interrupting the girl.
-Just mind your own business! This has nothing to do with you! Just leave us alone.
-Us? No... It was never u and her. You told me so yourself. Now I will ask you to go tell her... Or else.. Gray was making empty threats again. They were way too weak to defeat her. Also the shopkeeper was there too.
-Or else what? You'll tell her?! The girl chuckled. Like she will believe a...whoever you are and not her lovely girlfriend.
Gray knew she was right. They were nothing to Nike. They would never really be anything than the "lost hare" as Nike had called them. They were no one to anyone. This is why they had bought the gun in the first place. To get rid of themselves proudly.
-Now get out before I call the cops.
Gray stared at the girl for a bit. Then pointed the gun at her and removed the safety.
-Her whole face lights up when she sees you... She smiles to no one but you. How can you be so ungrateful? They said with disgust on their voice. How!? They added with a higher tone.
-Put the gun away kid! Said the shopkeeper while trembling.
Gray shot him. Without batting an eye. Shot him without remorse. Without feeling a single thing. Because he knew. He knew that the blonde girl had already someone to love her. And he still choose to do this. They did not kill him thought. Even if they wanted to, they were still really bad at aiming.
-What are you doing!!!??? The girl shouted.
-Crystal... Said the man. It's ok.. Just call 911.
-But that piece of shit shot you!
Gray pointed the gun at her.
-Call Nike...first and tell her what u did.
The girl's eyes widened.
-OK, ok.. just... don't shoot ok?
She quickly dialed Nike's number on her phone.
-Yeah babe... It's me... No look that I wanted to tell u.. It's gonna be hard so... NO no I am ok I just...WILL U LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE! THIS IS WHAT YOU ALWAYS DO! THIS IS WHY I WANT TO BREAK UP WITH YOU. YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME!
Gray was shocked. They would never talk to the person they loved that way.
-Yes! I fucking want to break up with you! Crystal continued. And you know what? I am also fucking Jensen. Yes the gun shop owner. GOD I feel so good finally. Jesus are u crying? You're pathetic. Well I don't care. I don't ever want to see you again... She said while turning her phone off. Ok happy now kid?
Gray did not reply and simply turned to leave. The girl in front of then did not deserve their time. Not even their hatred. Thus, they left and threw the gun away. They did not want to leave yet. They still wanted to help Nike. So all they found flitting to do was go to the club they had met her first so they could explain what had happened.

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