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Two years earlier....

"You do this shit every time Kayla! You tell me you want me to listen to you and be around more and I do that yet you still going out every night like you single!" Luke stressed to his girlfriend of a year. They were fighting once again, over Kayla going out with her friends for the third time this week. Luke just wanted to spend time with his girl, but it always seemed like she had other plans.

"Luke, you could always come along." Kayla responded nonchalantly as she gathered miscellaneous items to put in her clutch. Luke sighed. Kayla knew Luke would never go out with her and her friends. Luke felt that her friends lack intellectual skills and the only thing they know how to do is give their bodies away to any man that crosses their path. The last time they all went out together, Kayla's "best friend" had tried to get with Luke in the men's bathroom. Luke told Kayla but she acted as if it never happened and continued to be friends with the heathen.

"Now you know damn well, Kayla." Luke started but Kayla put her hand up, signaling she didn't want to talk about it anymore. Luke sighed again. He felt he couldn't win with her. Kayla heard him sigh and looked up from her clutch. She stared until he felt her eyes on him and made eye contact with her. As much as she pissed him off, Luke still loved her deeply. He just wished she could realize that. Kayla placed her clutch on the nearby dresser the couple shared. She walked over to where Luke was standing and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Baby." She began. Luke brought her closer to him. "I know you're tired of being alone. But you know I just want to relieve some stress with my friends. My new job has me literally wanting to rip my hair out." She began to play in his hair.

"I just don't see why we can't relieve stress together. In a way your friends can't help do." Luke said as his hands found their way to her round behind. Kayla smirked as he caressed her. She slowly became putty in his hands.

"Well I guess the girls can have fun without me tonight." Luke smiled and quickly threw her on their bed, preparing to feast on her until dawn.

On another side of town,

Sasha wiped down the table of where a group of customers had once sat at. After doing so she sat down in one of the chairs to count the tip that was left.

"Two dollar tip for five people? Unbelievable." Sasha huffed and stuffed the money into her apron pocket. Sasha got up from the table and began to walk to the back to clock out. It was a typical Friday night. The local jazz club was full of people with dreams of wanting to become famous. Usually, Sasha sticks around after her shift to watch the brave souls that grace the stage but tonight, she just wanted to go home and catch up on her TV shows until she fell asleep.

"Sash!" She heard her friend and also roommate, Lola, shout from behind the bar. Sasha averted her attention to her and put up her index finger, indicating to her friend to hold on. She walked to the back of the club to clock out and gather her things, then made her way back to Lola. Sasha then leaned on the counter of the bar due to the seats being taken.

"What's up?" Sasha said tiredly. Lola frowned.

"What's up? Why're you going home so early?" Lola inquired.

"Girl, I'm tired. I've been working every night this week." Sasha sighed. She loved her job dearly, but it definitely got tiring. Sasha's uncle, owned the spot and would soon hand it down to her when he retired.

"Aw, you poor baby." Lola said with sarcasm laced in her voice. Sasha rolled her eyes. "I've been working to close every night this week how'd you think I feel?" She ranted.

"Well ain't nobody tell you to kiss Jody's ass and keep taking his shifts for him. He hasn't been to work in I don't know how long." Jody is Sasha and Lola's co worker. Lola has a huge crush on him but he never gives her the time of day. Sasha doesn't understand why her friend does so much to get this bum's attention.

"You don't understand! He texted me last night, thanking me, me!" Lola expressed with a big smile on her face. Sasha shook her head.

"Okay, so what does that mean, Lo?" She asked her friend.

"That I was on his mind. That he have my number saved! This means everything Sash!" Lola gushed. Sasha straight faced her. She couldn't understand why Lola couldn't see that she was being used.

"Why can't you see that Jody is using you? And he has a girlfriend for crying out loud!"

"So?" Lola questioned. Sasha rolled her eyes again. She stood up straight and began to get her stuff together.

"One day you'll see what I'm talking about."

"And one day you'll get dicked down. But, I guess that won't be happening anytime soon." Lola smiled. Sasha shot her the finger and walked off. "I'll see you when I get home, babe!" Lola shouted. Sasha waved her off and continued her walk outside of the dimly lit club.

So this is something new lol.

I have a new obsession for Luke James so, yeah.

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