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The sun shined through the sheer curtains of Luke and Kayla's bedroom window. The couple slept soundly in each others' arms until Luke's alarm went off. The blaring alarm woke the both of them instantly. Luke yawned and stretched while Kayla was still in his arms.

"Good morning, baby." Luke greeted. Kayla turned to him and smiled and kissed his cheek. The two sat in the beautiful silence and just enjoyed each others' company. It wasn't often they enjoyed being at peace with one another. As much as they argued, they knew they couldn't live without each other. At least, that's what they thought.

"Do you really have to go to work? I'm off today." Kayla stated while playing in Luke's hair. Luke contemplated the question. If he went to work, it would completely defeat the purpose of the argument from last night. But at the same time, what he was doing wasn't for fun. It was to keep money flowing. Luke worked at RCA Records. He's not a producer, but an assistant to the CEO, Peter Edge. Luke had dreams of becoming a singer so he figured working at a record label. Peter gave him the job on the spot after hearing Luke sing to the receptionist while waiting for his interview. He told Luke that he wanted to sign him but still needed him to be his assistant. Luke agreed. He knew that one day he will get to do what he truly loves as a career. 

"You know how Pete is, K. I promise, I'll try to get home early enough for us to spend time together." Luke then removed his arms from around her waist and prepared to get ready for work. Kayla sighed. 

"You know what, don't even bother. I'll just pick up a shift tonight don't worry." Kayla huffed and snatched her phone off the nearby nightstand.  Luke rolled his eyes and walked into their conjoined bathroom. He closed the door behind him and placed his hands on the sink counter and looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't understand why she couldn't understand that what he was doing was going to help them in the end. He thought of what it would be like to be single

"Good morning Sash!" Lola said cheerfully as her friend walked into the kitchen they shared. Sasha waved and took a seat at the island. Sasha was not a morning person at all. If she had the choice, she would sleep in until the afternoon came. "I made us some breakfast and bitch." Lola stated catching Sasha's attention. Lola began to smile like a crackhead that got his fix. 

"What happened?" She asked. 

"Jody asked me out on a date!" Lola squealed after finishing her statement. Sasha choked on her spit. 

"Girl, what? I thought he had a girlfriend?" 

"I thought that too but apparently they broke up like, four weeks ago." Lola said while placing a plate of three fluffy pancakes, two turkey sausages and a side of scrambled eggs in front of Sasha. Sasha thanked her and said a prayer before eating.

"So." Sasha began while drizzling syrup heavily on her pancakes. "How? When?" 

"Okay so after you left the club, Jody came in and he went looking for your uncle. I guess to see if he still had a job. Anyways, he came from the back looking relieved so I guess your uncle let him keep his job. Before he could make it to the door, I called out to him and he saw me and he smiled. Bitch, he smiled. If I wasn't working, his dick would've got sucked behind that bar and that's just facts." Sasha cringed at her friend's choice of words. 

"Why must you be so vulgar? While I'm eating too?" Sasha scoffed. Lola rolled her eyes.

"Bitch, we been friends for I don't know how long. If you really hated my vocabulary, you would've been moved out. The fuck." She snapped. Sasha sighed and nodded in agreement. Even if Lola was a bit on the wild side, that's what she loved about her. At the end of the day, she was her best friend and she knew she would be lost without her.

"Girl, continue your story." Sasha said, not even phased by her friend's words. 

"Anyways, but yeah so he smiled at me and then he walked up to the bar. We made small talk you know, how is he doing, where he been at yada yada." Sasha nodded. "And then I brought up his girlfriend." Sasha dropped her fork, making it clang on the plate and put her head in her hands. Lola face scrunched up. "Bitch, what?" 

"Why did you bring her up? Have you not learned anything?" Sasha questioned.

"Look, I don't have time for games. I rather him know my intentions ahead of time." Sasha shook her head. "Anyways, long story short, he told me they broke up four weeks ago and that he has been calling out of work because the crazy bitch was causing hell. She beat herself up and blamed him for it. He was in jail for like, two days." Lola explained. Sasha had a shocked look on her face. "That's the same face I made. But, yeah he asked me to join him to the club as a date since both of us don't work tonight." She cheesed. 

"Well, I'm happy for you. I work tonight so I'll try to be y'all host." Sasha stated. Lola squealed and did a little dance in the kitchen. Sasha smiled and picked up her phone and starting checking her emails. She scrolled through the spam and almost choked for the second time that morning when she saw an email from RCA Records. She applied for an internship a couple months ago but she didn't actually think they would get in contact with her. She hesitantly clicked on the email and skimmed it.

To: SashaCarterOfficial@gmail.com

cc: LydiaSanchezRCA@gmail.com

Subject: Response to App.

Good Morning Ms. Carter. After a long evaluation of your resume, I have decided that I want you to be apart of my team. If you're still interested in the intern position, please call me by noon. 

Lydia Sanchez


Sasha squealed from delight. She began to dance in her seat. Lola looked up from her phone confused. 

"What happened?" Lola asked but Sasha could not speak. She just handed her, her phone. Lola took the phone from her and skimmed the email. After doing so, her eyes widened and she began to scream as well. Lola walked from around the island and hugged her best friend as they jumped around. Sasha loved music and she couldn't believe that her chance to see what goes on first hand was right in front of her.  "Oh bitch, what are you waiting for? Go call her!" Lola exclaimed. Sasha hopped up from the bar stool and rushed to her room. 

Chapter 2 completed. 

The story takes place in New York, by the way.

Hope y'all enjoyed it!

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