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Luke placed the key inside the lock of his front door to his home. It was currently four forty-five in the morning. He had just left the studio and he needed clothes for his overnight stay at Edward's place. He called Ed before and they talked it and went back to the way they were before tonight happened. Luke hoped Kayla was asleep and stayed that way while he got his things. He opened the door as quietly as he could, of course he forgot Kayla had begged him to install a alarm so it blared loudly. 

"Fuck!" Luke cursed and covered his ears before typing in the pin to disable the alarm. He heard feet patter against the carpet floor. Kayla emerged from their bedroom with a bat in her hand. When she saw Luke, she gasped and dropped the bat, rushing to him.

"Babe, what the hell?!" She exclaimed and Luke gave her a mean look. He brushed her off and walked to their bedroom. "Luke! Can we please talk?" Luke just scoffed and continued his walk. He was still extremely upset at her choices and he didn't trust himself talking to her, knowing he'd say something he'd regret later.

"I'm going to stay at Ed's place for a couple days." He stated blandly, ignoring her stares. 

"Baby, I know you're mad at me but believe me when I say I forgot that you were singing tonight! I wouldn't miss anything like that on purpose, knowing it was important to you!" She pleaded. Luke stopped packing his bag and turned around to her face. Her eyes were filled with what seemed like regret and sorrow. 

"Kayla, you have to have the worst memory ever. I texted you when I got the gig, two hours before I went on stage I texted and called you. Did you answer? No. You can't expect for me to not be mad at you. This was extremely important to me and you missed it. So, it's best we spend some time apart. When I come back, we can discuss where we go from here." He said and Kayla's eyes widened. 

"Are you going to leave me? After everything we been through?" Luke sucked his teeth. 

"See, there you go with that assuming shit. I ain't say that at all. I still love you, a lot. So, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get us back to the love." He stated as Kayla sniffled and wiped the tears that she was trying to keep from sliding down her face. Luke felt bad but he couldn't give in again. He needed to put his foot down if he wanted anything to change between them. Luke continued to pack his bag as she sat down on the bed. The rest of time he was there,  it was silent although the room was full of tension. After getting all his things together, he walked out of the closet, signaling he was leaving. Kayla stood up and walked in front of him.

"I love you." She whispered. She leaned up to kiss him but Luke turned his head. 

"I'll see you later." With that, he left the girl to be in her thoughts. 

Sasha and Lola were currently at the mall. Lydia was so pleased with all the festive the last night, she gave Sasha a day off. They were currently in Victoria's Secret, Lola claimed to be in dire need of a new lingerie set. Her and Jody have been going strong since their date at Blue Note, Sasha couldn't be more happy for them. 

"Okay, how about this one?" Lola picked up a light blue lace bra and pantie set and held it to her chest. 

"Is that his favorite color?" Sasha asked and Lola shook her head no. 

"His favorite color is burgundy. But, I don't think that'll make my skin pop." Lola was a brown skin like Sasha so she felt like bright colors were always better. Sasha frowned out her statement. 

"I am one hundred percent sure that he will love you in anything, hell nothing." Lola giggled.

"Your right!" She exclaimed before sticking her tongue out. Sasha laughed and continued to look their the panties. "So, what's up with you and Luke?" She wiggled her eyebrows and Sasha scoffed. 

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