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Sasha wiped down the tables of her uncle's jazz club. She ended up not quitting her job at the place because she couldn't part with it. She told her uncle about her internship and he couldn't be more proud of her. Now, Sasha works at the club when she could.

At the moment, they were preparing for the annual 'Song Fest' where people go up on stage and sing in front of producers who are in dire need of a new artist. Sasha had been spreading the word around the office, letting people know what was going down and they happily agreed to show up.

"Sasha!" Her uncle, Max called from behind the bar. The club was closed as of right now, due to everyone trying to prepare for tonight.

"Hey Unc. What's up?" Sasha greeted him, while taking a seat at the empty bar.

"That damn Charles pussied out of performing tonight." Sasha chuckled. Charles always came in the club around Song Fest to sign up to perform but every time it was time to perform, he'll call and say he fell sick. He's been doing it for the past two years and Sasha doesn't understand why her uncle keeps giving chances to the boy.

"You know this is your own fault?" Her uncle frowned. "I mean, you know Charles always does this. You need to just stop trying with him. We won't be lucky every year to find a replacement." Her uncle nodded, signaling he agreed.

"Well." He started and sighed. "I need to find a replacement." He began to walk off and Sasha sat at the bar alone in deep thought, of who could replace Charles. A bell went off in Sasha's brain. Luke.

Luke was the perfect person. He could sing and he wants to get his career started. It's all too perfect. Sasha went to pull out her phone, only to realize that she doesn't have Luke's number. "I guess I'll just have to call Lydia." Sasha said to herself. She pressed her contact and the phone began to ring.

"Sanchez speaking." Lydia said.

"Hey, Lydia. I was calling to see if you had Luke's number by chance? It's urgent." Sasha requested.

"Uh, I think I do. Hold on." Sasha did as told, hearing the ruffling of papers in the background. "Ah! Okay, here it is. It's 718-526-9845." Lydia recited into the phone. Sasha nodded as if Lydia can see her as she wrote it down.

"Okay. Thank you so much! I hope to see you at Song Fest tonight!" Sasha said.

"Of course! Hopefully, I find some good people to sign."

"I'm sure you will. See you at eight!" They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.

Sasha quickly went to her messages and began to text Luke.

Sasha quickly went to her messages and began to text Luke

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