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I've been here for a week and it's already Friday. After the encounter with  Kim Jongin aka Kai, Joohyun pretty much more often hang out with me and Hana.

After what she told me about the whole history of EXO, I get it why Kai would act like that. He is one of the scariest among the members. Just hopefully I would not encounter them more.

I have not seen Baekhyun too after the garden incident. I didn't tell them about me encounter Baekhyun.

Joohyun invited us for a party tonight and both us agree with her. We're getting ready for it. I'm too nervous because of my dress that Hana pick for me. Well, it's one of hers actually.

"Isn't it too much?" I said to her and I keep on adjusting it. She chuckled and shook her head. "You'll definitely slay with it." she thumbs up on me. I wear a red dress while she's wearing black. I admit that it's kind look so beautiful and sexy. I never know this innocent girl could be sexy.

 I never know this innocent girl could be sexy

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Joohyun came out with her red and black dress since the theme will be red and black

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Joohyun came out with her red and black dress since the theme will be red and black.


Such an elegant woman.

Three of us arrived at the party

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Three of us arrived at the party. This party held by one of the top 9 students which shook me enough that it's so huge. Literally almost all of the school were invited without the teachers of course.

Transfer Student | EXO FANFICTION [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt