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Lee Hae Mi locked her phone as a playful smile lit up her face. She breathed in deeply as she stepped outside the sliding glass doors of Incheon International Airport.

She was back.

She was home.

After eleven long years, Hae Mi had finally made her long-awaited return to Korea. Although she may have been moving to Seoul - instead of her hometown, Busan - a part of her knew that it was for the better. Being twenty-one years old meant that a new chapter of her life was beginning and new opportunities were to come calling. The thought of her thrilling new lifestyle sent goosebumps riding up her spine.

But, this move was not without sacrifices. She had left a tearful and worried family behind in Chicago and she wasn't sure when she would have the ability to see their faces again. After landing in Korea and taking her first steps outside, she knew that returning to her country of birth was the right thing to do. Besides the fact that her visa was expiring and she didn't have the desire to naturalize herself when her heart was calling her back home.

Cars and taxi's whizzed past as she stood on the curb, peering around at the unfamiliar sights and sounds of a country she had departed from so many years ago. Both Busan and Chicago did not compare to the fast-paced life of Seoul; and for that, she was both terrified and excited.

"All right, Lee Hae Mi. Let's do this."

She stepped into her new life, leaving the mistakes and fears of her past in the dust, where they belonged.


A 60,000 won taxi ride later, Hae Mi stepped out into the dying light of what once was a beautiful, and hot, Seoul day. With her luggage tucked against her side, she began the trudge across the parking lot and towards the towering apartment building. Her apartment in Mapo-gu, was the closest and most affordable place she could find in terms of her job location. A studio apartment on the fifth floor of the building - she would be surrounded by families, youth culture, and other entertainment companies that were complete opposites from the one she was hired by.

Much to her chagrin, she was hired by Big Hit Entertainment as their assistance dance director and choreographer and would be working closely with their new male trainee's and occasionally their mega-group, BTS. Of course, working with BTS all depending on whether or not the company could get international choreographers to work with their artists.

Hae Mi shoved the thoughts of her new job to the back of her mind. She needed to focus on moving, not on her future job. She had two more days to settle in before Monday rolled around; that was plenty of time to get her things in order and hope that her shipped belongings and clothes would arrive before she had to begin work. If they came after the fact...

Well, that would be pure and unsolicited chaos.

The landlord was kind enough to rent out the studio apartment to Hae Mi without meeting her in person. For that, she was eternally grateful. She just hoped that her neighbors would be friendly and willing to help her out as she got readjusted to her new surroundings.

Street lights illuminated her path as her purple suitcase rumbled along in her wake. Her conversed feet approached her new home for the next year. The apartment building was one of the nicer buildings on the block, with pristine windows gleaming in the encroaching night. There was no spray paint or real signs of miscreants tainting the outside of the building, which was another plus. The last thing she needed was to relive some of the horrors she had left behind in Chicago.

She opened the glass and steel framed door, shouldering her way into the air-conditioned building.

"Good evening, how may I help you?" the middle-aged security guard gave her a once over from behind the welcome desk.

Caught in a Lie (Jimin's Heart #1)Where stories live. Discover now