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Hae Mi entered a room that was a dangerous mix of silence and tension - a wordless promise for a disastrous meeting. She bowed to her sunbae's on BTS management and production team, as she stepped into the room and marched to the only open seat at the table. While it was an airy room with a wall of windows peering out across Gangnam, the black and white concept made her entrance even more intimidating.

Bang PD rolled his fingers along the table top. "How nice of you to finally join us, Hae Mi."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I have no good excuse for arriving so late." She tried to ignore the stifling anger that came from the head of the table.

"Well, who would care to get our assistant dance director back up to speed on what we have been discussing this morning?" Bang PD's frustration was evident in the ever crisp edge to his words.

Hae Mi glanced down the table. She sat beside Kyung Eun and BTS's manager; across from them sat the PR team, who was sitting to the right of Bang PD. The conference room was practically set up to be a trial, as it felt as it if the guilty were facing off against the grand jury of a courtroom. Hae Mi had the sinking feeling that this was not going to end well.

Kyung Eun tugged printed copies of media tabloid articles towards Hae Mi. They carried the same headlines that she had scanned over this morning. The first scandal involving BTS and their perfect image - now tainted by the scene she and Jimin had made the night before. Hae Mi kept her eyes trained on the articles - refusing to glance at the unhappy gazes of those around her - as Kyung Eun began the briefing.

"Here at Big Hit Entertainment, we have been working endlessly to make sure that the images of BTS and the trainees are not tainted by the tabloids and the general public. BTS has been around for four years and we have completely avoided this in any and all ways. However, after your arrival at Big Hit Entertainment and after the scene from last night, we are worried about the negative limelight that has been falling onto BTS's image." Kyung Eun made it sound as if Hae Mi had completely fallen to blame as the scapegoat for everything that had been happening surrounding BTS.

If this was such a huge issue for them, why hadn't they begun acknowledging it when the articles first started appearing over a month prior? Why was her unknown status at Big Hit Entertainment one of the topics that bothered Bang PD? He was the one who didn't take action to answer the rumors, after all.

"With what occurred last night, we have to make a statement about the relationship between Jimin and yourself. As well as that, we have to discuss the appropriate disciplinary action," Bang PD finished.

Disciplinary action? A pang hit Hae Mi's heart. Here she thought her career at Big Hit Entertainment was going well and now she was about to take two steps backward.

Kyung Eun spoke up again, "Since this is closely affecting you, Hae Mi, we want to weigh your thoughts."

Hae Mi's mind was racing. There was no way out of this, so she had to do her best to lighten the blow that would come her way. She closed her eyes, willing the situation to melt away from in front of her, but it was a futile effort. "I think the best way of going about this would be to acknowledge the two rumors with one statement. Release to the tabloids that I am Jaemi Lee, but that I have been working here as the assistant dance director." Hae Mi's voice wasn't wavering and appearing steadier than she thought it would. "As for last night, release that Jimin and I were childhood friends and he followed me out of the restaurant because I had forgotten something behind. But he left with me, in order to protect him from possible harm from the crowd. Lie about the situation, but make me the one at fault. It would be better for an employee to receive the wrath of the public than to further any damage to BTS's image."

Hae Mi watched Kyung Eun tense up. It was a little heartening to know that she wasn't the only one who hated this situation as much as Hae Mi did. She tried not to wince as Bang PD nodded to the PR team, who begun to write up a statement, following the outline that Hae Mi had laid out for the team.

"We will release the statement to the public as soon as it is done," Bang PD said. "In the meantime, I believe we need to talk in terms of your disciplinary action. When you signed the contract with Big Hit Entertainment, you should remember the clause in which you would not put the image of the artists in jeopardy by the actions of the staff. We have seen how quick the public are to attack entertainment companies - look at SM Entertainment, for example. It is one of the reasons why we have to take action to make sure our employee's don't allow that to happen. With that in mind, I think we will require a suspension of your duties as an assistant dance director."

Kyung Eun nodded slowly, reluctant to agree with the statements that Bang PD was making. "Hae Mi only just started working with BTS over the past two weeks. We can suspend her duties so she can only work with the trainees. As well, we will remove her from the project of preparing BTS's choreography for their comeback with LOVE YOURSELF."

It was a death sentence in every means of the phrase. Hae Mi had no words to defend herself by or to make the situation better. Never before had she been suspended from job duties. Her heart sank to the floor. Not only had she brought harm to her relationship with Jimin, but she had also brought harm to her career at Big Hit Entertainment. What was the point of the lie she told him, then? Everything was already crumbling at her feet.

"We're agreed then," Bang PD said. "We'll send the statement to the media outlets and leave for the day. Hae Mi, I hope you have learned this difficult and important lesson."

With a weary heart and mind, Hae Mi took the long journey home, holding back her tears as she went. Walking into her apartment, her shoes landed by the door, her backpack fell to the floor, and her tears cascaded across her pillow as she mourned what once was.


"Big Hit has released a statement regarding the scandal involving Jimin and Lee Hae Mi:

'This is Big Hit Entertainment. We would like to address the rumors swirling around Big Hit and Jimin from BTS. A month ago we hired choreographer Lee Hae Mi, also known as Jaemi Lee, as the new Assistant Dance Director at Big Hit Entertainment. Last night, an incident involving Jimin and Lee Hae Mi occurred. We would like to state that they are not in a relationship, but close friends from childhood. We want to apologize to fans and the public for causing harm to BTS's image and have taken disciplinary action against Lee Hae Mi. An incident like this will not happen again. Thank you.'"

Hae Mi didn't bother to look at what the comments were saying. It would hurt too much if she did.


What do you think of the decision the Big Hit team pertaining Hae Mi and Jimin's scandal? Were they too harsh, or do you think it was fair considering the circumstances?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment, and give this story lots of love. :)

Caught in a Lie (Jimin's Heart #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora