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"What do you need to talk to me about?" she asked.

Suga and Hae Mi were quickly making their way to one of the empty lounges in the building. With the majority of the employees and trainees making their way to the nearby auditorium they rented out for the next two days, the hallways were empty and echoed their footsteps as they neared the unattended front desk. The furniture in the lounge matched the general color theme of the company - navy blue, beige, and modern looking.

Hae Mi settled in an uncomfortable and firm armchair, sitting across from Suga, who was perched on the navy blue couch. Suddenly feeling shy, she peered intently down at her clasped hands in a meek attempt to hide her shaking hands. Isolating herself, she bore her mask down, in an attempt to not only protect herself, but to appear professional as well.

It was clear that Suga was uncomfortable with the entire situation as well. "Jimin."

Hae Mi tried to hide her grimace, but it was evident that Suga had already seen it. "Oh."

"He hasn't been himself since he got back from our weekend off," Suga clarified, even though he didn't need to. "I was wondering if you knew what happened. He has everyone concerned over his behavior."

"Everyone?" Hae Mi squeaked. Guilt, a fresh wave of the powerful emotion, knocked her over as Suga faced her with earnest eyes.

He nodded. "Even Jungkook has backed off with his pranks because Jimin has been so sensitive lately."

She felt the blood drain from her face. "It's that bad...?" her voice trailed off; she was too afraid to begin to voice her emotions.

Suga glanced sharply at her. "Is there something that you know?"

"It's my fault," she murmured, "it's completely my fault." Hae Mi ran her hands through her hair, disrupting her perfect ponytail. Perfection - that was for someone that wasn't a liar.

He lightly patted her shoulder, "I'm assuming something happened this weekend, considering the two of you are a mess."

Mutely, she nodded.

"Was it... Was it about the first love thing?"

She laughed humorlessly. "Yes, that's right." Curling her hands into fists, she glanced up to meet his open and honest gaze. "What do you want to know?"


Suga sat back, wordless, as he studied Hae Mi after she confessed her tale. Well, with a few minor embellishments, of course. She didn't tell him that she was lying to Jimin. She didn't tell him that she knew Jimin better than she knew herself.

She didn't tell him that she was in love with Park Jimin.

"Well," Suga said eventually after he had taken some time to soak in what Hae Mi had shared.

"Yeah." There really wasn't anything else to be said.

Suga shook his head. "You know you're going to be the one who fixes this, right? No one else is going to be able to repair your relationship."

She nodded, staring at the floor. "I know. But it also needs to be the right time."

"Screw timing," Suga said vehemently. "Do you not see how this entire situation is tearing up both you and Jimin inside? The sooner you guys figure this out, the better it will be for everyone." He paused, taking a moment to calm down his irritation. "Especially BTS. Do you know how hard it is for him to pretend to be upbeat and happy on screen? Do you know how hard it is to be a team when one of your members has fallen apart?"

Caught in a Lie (Jimin's Heart #1)Where stories live. Discover now