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"Well," she said brightly, attempting to mask the roiling storm beneath her skin.

Suga was going to get his ass kicked for this.

"Well," he repeated dully.

Not sure of what to do or say about the situation, Hae Mi opted to play music to mask the conversation the two of them were about to have. At least this way their words would be masked by the sound of the songs and wouldn't as easily reach the listening ears of BTS on the other side of the door.

Jimin was uneasily leaning against the mirrored wall, as far away from Hae Mi as possible. Beneath the lights and black beanie, his pallor was washed out and pale. Cold, unforgiving, and stony; he was a prince made of marble and one that would not take well to the conversation that was about to occur for the third time.

Hae Mi touched her cheek, surprised to find tears escaping from her eyes and dancing across her skin. When had she started crying? Drinking in a shaky breath to orient herself, she took cautious steps towards Jimin, who shied away from her every movement. He was like a puppy who had just gotten kicked, afraid of every movement his master was making.

Rather than push him further, Hae Mi elected to slide to the floor. With her back against the wall and her legs stretched out in front of her, she sat there in silence, simply listening to the music she had put on and waited for Jimin to finish feeling her out. This conversation was clearly going to be a strain on both of them and it was only fair that she waited until he was ready. After all, she was the one who created this mess in the first place.

Three songs passed by before Jimin made a move. Cautiously, he approached Hae Mi and sat across from her. He was still refusing to glance in her direction, but at least he was close enough that they could finally have a civilized conversation.

Her heart felt as if it was going to burst out of her chest. "I'm sorry," she whispered, not sure if he could hear her over the sounds of the music. "I'm really, really sorry."

He didn't say anything, but she watched him cautiously, observing as he made a slight nod in her direction. He was picking at his fingernails, trying to keep busy in order to avoid looking in her direction.

A sound of frustration passed through her lips. "I just... I don't know what you want me to say."

Jimin moved to run his hand through his blond hair, but seemed surprised when his hand made contact with his beanie instead. "Honestly, I don't know either."

Hae Mi's head raced, trying to pin down the best explanation needed to rectify the situation. Leaning against the wall with her eyes closed, she thought back to the conversation she had with Suga in the lounge. "You can tell him the truth." His words resonated in her mind and she resolved herself as she settled on a decision.

Jimin's deep brown eyes were boring through her as she looked up at him. His features were hardened, contained, and... vulnerable, almost.

"I've lied to you," she breathed, her heart palpitating with nervousness.

He cocked his head to the side, as if unsure that he had heard her correctly. "What?"

The tears returned again. "I've been lying to you, oppa."

"Why? How? When?" Understanding was beginning to dawn on his face.

Hae Mi was having issues with reading his emotions and facial expressions. It was the first time in years that she had stumbled across the problem and she wasn't sure how to move forward with her confession. "Remember that night, when I ran away from dinner because you had said I was your first love?" she paused, composing herself for the bombshell. "And then you had asked me if you were my first love?"

Caught in a Lie (Jimin's Heart #1)Where stories live. Discover now