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It was 2:39 in the morning and the dorm was finally clean. Hae Mi breathed in a deep breath of air and smiled when she came across no body odor or smell of rotting food. The group was hard pressed to take turns at showering, but they always made sure to stop and grab a bit of the pots of ramen Hae Mi was cranking out for their hungry souls. Even though they knew they were going to be bloated the next day, the group continued to mow down on Hae Mi's specialty.

Somewhere during the cleaning process, she had begun to take pity on the members. They had been working like slaves with their schedules lately and had barely any time to themselves to wind down and relax after a long day. Even though she was blinking burning sleep out of her eyes, Hae Mi found that she was enjoying the quiet moments she was having with the group.

While Jimin was away in the shower, she found that Yoongi and Namjoon were sincerely curious about Hae Mi's past and wanted to get to know her better. Even after working for Big Hit for a little less than half a year, none of them had gotten the chance to sit down and talk with their assistant dance director. They feasted on the pots of ramen and plates of kimbap she had prepared as a late night snack for the group.

"What made you decide to become a choreographer?" Namjoon asked after slurping down some noodles.

Hae Mi laughed lightheartedly at the question. "There were many reasons. Primarily, my parents had raised me as a dancer all of my life, so it was really one of the few things I knew well and excelled at." She paused, chewing on her ramen thoughtfully. "The other reason is that I love working with people. There's no better feeling in the world than showing them one skill and seeing how far they grow in a matter of class periods. Although I might not be teaching you guys anything new, it's still amazing to watch your popularity and skill sets grow the longer I spend with you all."

It was evident that her answer struck some chord within the group. They soaked in her words and stewed over them before voicing another question for their assistant dance director.

"Why did you want to get a job at Bit Hit Entertainment?" It was the honest Jin that voiced this question.

Hae Mi choked on her water when she heard the question. Hacking away, she gave a garbled response. "In all truth, I was originally just looking for a position at a dance studio to teach classes, but..." Do I tell them the truth? They were all gazing so earnestly at her, so it was only fair that she was as honest with them as possible.

"But?" Yoongi prodded.

How do I explain this?

"But Jimin oppa's eomma had been keeping close contact with my family and had been watching my dance career in the States. Some time ago, she was visiting Jimin oppa in Seoul and had gotten to talking with Kyung Eun sunbaenim and they grew interested in my skills and scouted me to work at the company."

"Wah, Jinjja?" Jin replied. "Daebak!"

Hae Mi blushed. "It was a lucky break, that's for sure."

"Did you ever think about becoming an idol?" Taehyung asked eagerly, taking food from the pot he was sharing with Jin. The two had spent the majority of the conversation fighting over who got to eat when and a chopstick battle had ensued.

"I did," Hae Mi replied. "Once. I had to be around fourteen or fifteen and there were a few companies that had been consistently promoting auditions in LA. But it was also around that time that my dancing career began to take off and I decided to stay there instead, rather than force my parents to move back to Korea after we had finally gotten settled in the United States."

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