Q & A

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Hey guys!

In the last chapter of Caught in a Lie, I had asked you all to send me questions about the story or about things that you were simply curious about. While I may have posted this chapter, feel free to continue sending me questions - I love answering them. And thank you to everyone who sent me questions to answer!

Without further ado, here are my answers! 



@MeiSummer asked:

I was just wondering how you came up with Hae Mi's character? What gave you the idea to make her a choreographer?

Although I'll explain this more below, this entire fanfiction began with a dream I had had one night. It was very vivid and rather thorough - honestly, I'm surprised that I remembered it when I woke up!

Long story short: I had a dream in which I was a choreographer was dating Jimin.

While most of the dream definitely stemmed from my inherent fascination with kpop, BTS, and performance choreography, there has always been an innermost part of me that wished my parents had shoved me into a dance studio when I was little. I have always admired that art form, so when it came down to it my unconscious desires blended with my love for Jimin and BOOM! a story was given to me in dream form.

As much as I would have loved to write myself as the main character of this piece (in many ways Hae Mi does resemble myself), I thought that would be a difficult wall for a reader to break through. So, with that in mind, I loosely created Hae Mi and set my fingers to work on writing this story.

@Enriha asked:

Is Hae Mi in any way inspired by your character?

Without a doubt, Hae Mi definitely resembles parts of my character. She's fiercely protective and caring of those she loves, which is something that I take pride in. I'd also say that I have more of a creative type personality - even if it is in a different art form - which was something I wanted to be reflected in her as well. Although she is definitely better at going after her dreams (and talking to boys) than I am, I'd like to think I live vicariously through her.

What made you pick this particular plot line for the story?

For myself, my stories - fanfiction or not - always have to come from strong places of inspiration. In the case of this story, there was two things that solidified and created the idea for me: the release for Wings: You Never Walk Alone and a vivid dream that I had around that time. Overall, this all occured when 1) I realized just how devoted of a fan I had grown to be for BTS and 2) how helplessly in love I was (and am) in with Park Jimin.

(This dream [later turned into a daydream/fantasy I would explore when bored in class] is a little embarrassing to admit to, so bear with me here.)

Within that vivid dream of mine, I was a choreographer that had been a good friend of Jimin's when we were young kids in Busan. Somewhere along the way, my parents had moved us to the USA for work and I was raised there. However, after I graduated from college, I moved to Seoul to become a professional choreographer within the city. From there, I was reunited with Jimin via his parents (I visited them first before anyone else) and our connection was reborn and we started dating... Needless to say, this fantasy got a little out of hand and led to me planning out our entire life together.

So, basically, the entire premise of my story and was taken directly from a fantasy I had involving myself dating Park Jimin. (I'm not sorry in the least!)

Do you plan to introduce new characters in the sequel?

Although I haven't sat down to thoroughly figure out what's all going to happen in the next novel, I can confirm that I will be bringing in at least one new character! (And, maybe, a few new kpop groups for Hae Mi to interact with - I'm still playing around with that idea.) Otherwise, look forward to seeing many old faces as well - the story wouldn't be the same without them!

How long before we can read it?

If I am being 100% honest, I'm not sure when I'll be able to post full chapters of the sequel. I already miss the characters and story dearly, but this fall semester I am taking many writing courses and those have to be my priority (not to mention they're taking up a lot of my time). I'm going to try my best to write when inspiration hits, but I haven't decided if I'm going to write all of the chapters and then post the story (as I did with Caught in a Lie), or post them as I go! I guess we'll have to wait and see how much self-control I have (which is a very minimal amount, by the way).

Thank you all for the questions! ^.^

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