chapter 1

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Anna's POV

Once we came back from Paris we greeted our friends and family. Then we went to bed it was a very long day.

3 Weeks later

Anna's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night rushing to the bathroom to throw up. Kristoff came in after me. "Babe honey are you feeling alright?" "Yeah I'm fine I guess there's a bug is going around​." He held my hair back as I threw up again. "Oh thanks Baby." I said lifting up  my head. "Okay I think I'm done."   He picked me up and layed me back in bed. Then he got in the bed. He held me close kissed me on the head. We snuggled together and went back to sleep

The next morning

Kristoffs POV

Last night Anna got up several times and threw up in the toilet. It was weird. I have never seen  her this sick before. We were snuggled up against each other she woke up and pushed my arms away quickly and slapped me in the face. "Ouch." I said rolling out of bed. Anna rushed to the bathroom. I hurried after her to hold back her hair. "Honey are you sure you're​ ok? You have been throwing up all night." I said very concerned about my wife. "I thought I was ok but now I'm not so sure." She said lifting her head up. "Can I go see Elsa? She asked. "Of course babe here let me go with you to make sure you get there ok." I helped her get up and walked her across the hall. We knocked on her door. Elsa got up and opened the door. "Oh Anna are you ok?" "I don't know I need to talk to you." She said. "Oh of course come in." She said. "I'll be in our room sweetheart." I said going back to our room.

Anna's POV

"Hey Anna what's wrong?" She said.  "I've been throwing up all night." I said rushing to the bathroom again. "Oh dear!" She came and held my hair back.  "Anna it's probably just a bug going around but you should take a pregnancy test just in case." She said very calmly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes you may not be, but it's better to know now than 4 months before delivery." "You're right let's go." I said. "No you stay here and I'll go get it here let me put you hair up." She grabbed a pony tail, and put my hair up. "I'll be right back." She said calmly. I kept throwing up in the toilet. She went downstairs to get the test. She came back and I took the test. 3 minutes later I saw 2 lines that  crossed each other. My face lit up. "Elsa Elsa Elsa!" I exclaimed. "What? what is it?!" She asked. I smiled "I'm pregnant!!!" I said.  "What?! I'm going to be an Aunt?" She asked holding my hand. "Yes I squealed!" Then I threw up again. "I have to go tell Kristoff!" I said walking very fast out of the room. I walked in our bedroom and smiled. "Kristoff Kristoff Kristoff!!!!!" I squealed. "What! What is going on?" He asked. "Kristoff..... Uh..... I don't know how to say this..... So I'm just gonna blurt it out....... I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout. "I'm sorry what did you say?" He asked walking towards me. I grabbed his ear and pulled​ it to my mouth. "I'M PREGNANT!" I wispered into his ear. I let go of his ear. His eyes widened. He looked at me then my stomach then my face then my stomach again. This went on for about five minutes. "Kristoff are you happy or not happy because you are looking at me like you saw a ghost. Don't you want kids?" I asked. "I can't believe I'm gonna be a father!!!!!!!!!!" He shouts at the top of his lungs as he picked me up in his arms and spun around. Then he kissed me. "Phew I thought you didn't want to be when I saw that look on your face." I said. Then Elsa stormed through the door. "What Happened? I heard yelling is everything ok?" She asked panting. "Are you kidding????!!!!!!!!!! I'm GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He yelled again. "Oh he's fine." She said slamming the door on the way out.  We kissed again. "Put me down Now!!!!!" I said. I had to throw up again. He put me down and I ran to the bathroom again. He held my hair up. "So isn't it weird that the baby is making you throwing up so much? He asked. "Actually that is kind of weird, but it's called morning sickness." I told him as I got up. He picked me up and carried me down​ the stairs very carefully.

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