chapter 7

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1 Month later

Anna's POV

A few weeks ago we had to say goodbye to Rapunzel and Eugene, Anastasia and Dimitri, and Belle and Adam. Well, I should​ be having the twins any day now! I am 8 and a half months pregnant. I am so darn ready for them to get out of my stomach. I woke up and kristoff wasn't there. Then I yelled​ for kristoff and no one answered. Then someone came up and stabbed my stomach. I woke up screaming. Then Kristoff came running to my side. The guards ran in. Then Elsa did. "It's ok babygirl it was just a nightmare." Kristoff said calming me down. "It's ok guys she just had a nightmare." He assured everyone. Elsa went back to her room and the guards went back outside. Kristoff hugged me while I cried. Kristoff cupped my face. "Look I will protect you no matter what happens. Ok?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Yeah..... Kristoff... Will you ..... Hold me....? I asked crying my eyes out. He nodded and climbed over me still holding my hand. He pulled me closer and held me close. He kissed my head. "Thanks baby I'm just scared." "You're welcome babe. I will Always Protect you. Whether you are pregnant or just having a normal day, I will Always love and protect you." He said as he turned me towards him and kissed me. I kissed him back. "Mmmmmm I love you" I said. "I love you too my love" he said Kissing me again he wiped away my tears. Then we went back​ to sleep. I woke up with kristoff protecting me. Kristoff and I eventually had to get up. We got dressed and went downstairs. I suddenly felt a sharp pain. "Ooooooh ah." I breathed deeply. "Babygirl are you ok?" Kristoff asked. "Oh yeah it was just a kick." I said giving him a kiss. He kissed me back. Elsa walked up. "Oh for goodness sake if you are going to make out do it IN THE BEDROOM!!!" She said very loudly. I knew she was jealous but whatever. I suddenly felt another sharp kick. "Ooh ooh." I said in pain. Kristoff took off work until the babies are born because I can't have them without him. Soon I started having more contractions. We decided to move into​ a bigger room so that I can always​ keep an eye on the twins. After what happened I just can't let them be in their own room yet. I asked Elsa if it was ok and she said to pick any room in the castle. I thanked her kindly. So we looked and looked and finally found a beautiful room that was big enough for us to have our bed and both cribs. It was perfect. So we started moving in. Then as soon as we were done decorating the room. I had a really big kick. I had to sit down.  Kristoff looked worried. Then all of a sudden my water broke. "Baby my water broke." I said grabbing his shoulders and my stomach. He picked me up and rushed down the hallway and yelled for Elsa to meet us at the hospital. I held on to my husband and my stomach for dear life. I was glad kristoff was there when it was time. We rushed to the hospital. The doctor came in and checked me out to see how far they are to being welcomed into the world.  I  held kristoff's hand. I started screaming. It was so painful. "Ok Anna I need you to push." The doctor said. I pushed so hard that I ended up hurting kristoff's hand from squeezing so hard. "Anna you are doing great! I can see the first head. Now get ready to push again." The doctor said. "Ready 1...2...3 Push!!!!!!" He said. I pushed a few more times. "Anna it's almost out! I need you to push one more time." He said holding the head. "Come on babe you can do this." kristoff assured me. I took a deep breath and let out a big push. "Congratulations you have a baby girl." The doctor said handing her to the nurse so she could be cleaned. Another nurse gave kristoff a cup of water to give to me. Kristoff put the cup up to my mouth and he poured it down my throat. I felt better. I started pushing again. "Good Anna I can see the head." The doctor said again. I pushed for what seemed like the hundredth time, and I heard it. The sound of my baby boy. Kristoff got to cut the ambilical cord. Oh I felt so relieved. The babies were taken by the nurses to be cleaned. Kristoff almost jumped into the bed with me and kissed me. We did it. "You did it Babygirl!!!!" He said kissing me again. "No we did it!" I exclaimed as I kissed him back. Elsa peeked in the window. She smiled and walked back to the waiting room. The doctor congratulated us and left. Then the nurses came in and introduced us to our children. I held my baby girl, and kristoff held our baby boy. Elsa and Olaf knocked. Which is odd because Olaf never knocks. "Come in!" We both said. Elsa and Olaf came in. "Hey sis how are you doing?" She asked sitting on kristoffs foot. "Ouch!" He said. "Well move your foot." she said while laughing. He moved his foot and she sat down again. "Do you want to hold your nephew?" He asked. "Are you kidding?!" She exclaimed. Kristoff handed her our son. "What's his name?" She asked. "Dante!" We both said. "Ooh ooh! Can I hold the other?!! Please!!!!" Olaf asked excitedly. Kristoff gave me a look that said no, but I did something different. "Sure come sit on my lap." I said patting my lap. He sat up on my lap. He put his arms out. I put her in his arms but put mine under his so he wouldn't drop her. Kristoff let out a sigh of relief. "Welcome Dante. I'm your Aunt Elsa!" She said. Dante looked just like Kristoff, and Francesca looked just like me. "Oh what is her name?" Olaf asked. "Her name is Francesca!" I said.  "Welcome Francesca! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" He said with a huge smile on his face. My baby girl stopped crying. "Oh no I think I broke her." He said. Looking up at me. We laughed. "No silly she is sleeping." I said assuring him. "Oh.." He said giving​ her back to me. Elsa gave kristoff back Dante and wanted to hold her niece. I gave Francesca to her and let Elsa hold her.

Anna and Kristoff Become Parents!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu