chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of my Babies crying. It was time to get up and eat. Kristoff had to go to work so he wasn't there when I woke up this time. I went to check on my babies. I went to get Dante. I put him on my shoulder. Then I went to get Francesca. I put Francesca on my other shoulder and took them down the stairs. When I got downstairs I put them in their high chairs and got out the baby food. I started to feed my children. Elsa finally came down for breakfast.
She smiled. "Ah thanks for the ear plugs!" She said cheerfully. "You're welcome I knew you would need them. I did my research babies cry in the middle of the night a lot." I said. She laughed and helped me feed Dante while I fed Francesca. Once we were done with that we fed ourselves we were starving. After we ate we decided to take them on a walk I had a double stroller that I put them in. We strolled for a few hours then they were hungry again. It's ridiculous they have to eat every few hours. So we sat down at a picnic table and fed them. This time I fed Dante and Elsa fed Francesca. We walked some more untill it was nap time. So we walked back to the castle. We walked up the stairs and put my precious babies​ to bed. Then I decided to take a nap. It is exausting being a mother. I can't get rested up from anything it is awful. Oh well. I grabbed my kristoff doll and bounced on the bed. It was great to jump and bounce with out any worry about my children inside of me. I'm almost back to my old size. I love it I don't need kristoff to help me up so I can go to the bathroom. Ah I love my body. I snuggled with my doll and kissed his head. Then I went to sleep.


I woke up at 6:00 to the sound of my children crying. But then they stopped. Then the door opened. It was kristoff. "Hey is my beautiful wife in here?" He asked, coming in the room. "Kristoff! Come here!" I said. I missed him so much. "Hey I have great news!" He said bouncing on to the bed with me. "What is it babe?" I asked.  "They are letting me off work for the rest of the summer." He said scooting closer to me. I gasped. "Really?!" I asked excitedly. He snuggled with me. "Yes! They let me off work to take care of the little ones." He pulled me into a kiss. "That's wonderful!" I Said​ excitedly. This means that he can help me with our children. Yay! I can't believe his boss did this for us. We layed there for a while and played with each other and eventually fell asleep, and we lived happily ever after! The End.

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