chapter 8

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Eventually Elsa and Olaf had to leave. The doctor said we had to stay the night just to make sure everything was alright. He let Kristoff stay because he was my husband and he knew what happened last month. Even if he wasn't my husband I wouldn't let him leave my side. We fed the babies, and let them sleep in our arms. We layed there together. We did it! We are parents! I leaned against my husband. I think I like calling him that now. He kissed my head. He leaned in for a kiss. I was Exausted! So I leaned against him and fell asleep.


I woke up and didn't have my baby girl in my hand. Kristoff wasn't there ethier. I got up and went to the other room to see if my babies were there. I walked in the room to see my husband and my babies dead on the floor. I woke up. I looked down and my baby girl was in my arms. I looked next to me to see kristoff holding Dante. Phew it was just a dream. I carefully nudged him. He woke up. "Oh what's wrong Sweetheart?" He asked. "I had a nightmare." I said. "Oh would you like to talk about? He asked. "Yes if you don't mind." I said. "Of course I don't mind. Go on tell me about your dream and I won't judge." He said leaning against me. I started to cry. "I had a dream that I woke up and you and the babies weren't there...... And I ..... I went to go see...... If you were in the other..... The other room... And........ And I saw you and the babies murdered on the floor!" I said crying my eyes out. "Shhhhh shhhhhhh Now it's alright. We had guards guarding our room all night and we will untill you feel safe." He said calmly. "Thank you kristoff for everything." I said leaning in for a kiss. "It's my pleasure sweetheart." He kissed me back. The nurses came in. "Oh good you both are up." They said. "We need to clean the babies but we will bring them right back." I had a worried look on my face. "It's ok Anna these are the nurses who help you deliver yesterday. They will just go clean them and come right back okay?" My husband calmly said. "Okay" I slowly gave my children to them. "We will be right back" The nurse said leaving the room. I snuggled up with my husband. He put his arms around me. I wish I could just forget about the attack. Wait a minute. The Trolls! They erased my memory when I was little maybe they can do it again! "Hey Kristoff?" "Yes Baby?" He asked. "Do you think your grand pappie can erase the memory of the baby shower?" I asked. "Yes but why?" He asked. "Because I'm scared all the time and I just want to forget about the attack." I said. "Oh well sure why not? We will talk to them today ok?" He said, brushing through my hair. "Thanks babe!" I cuddled up with him. "You're welcome I want you to feel as safe as possible." He said giving me a kiss. A few minutes later they gave us back our children and released us from the hospital. We went back to the castle and tell Elsa what we were going to do. "Elsa can you watch the children while we are gone?" I asked her. "Of course but are you sure you want to do this?" She asked taking Dante from me. "Yes it's the only way I can stop being afraid all the time." I said putting Francesca in her crib. "Okay then go and bring them back here because I'm pretty sure they want to see these little guys too." She said waving. "Ok bye Elsa we will be back soon." Then me and kristoff rode on Sven to the troll Grove. It felt nice to be able to ride with kristoff again. I haven't been able to ride for months. You can't ride while you're pregnant. It's bad for the baby. Sometimes people have miscarriages. Wouldn't that be awful? Anyway we eventually arrived at the trolls Grove. "Hey guys we are home!" I exclaimed. Then they started to roll to the middle of the Grove. "Kristoff and Anna are home!" They exclaimed. "We heard the amazing news congratulations to you both." His Troll mother said. "Thank you can I speak to Grand Pappie?" I asked nicely. Then Grand Pappie rolled up to me. "Ah Anna and Kristoff! When am I going to see my new grand children?" He asked. "We are taking y'all to see them after we are done talking to you." Kristoff said. "Great so what did you need to talk to me about?" "Um so you know what Happened at the baby shower right? Well I was wondering if you could erase the memory of the attack?" I asked. "Anna are you sure?" "Yes I keep having nightmares and I'm scared all the time and I need it to go away." I said. "Okay well first I need you to go to sleep. He said motioning to have me lie down. Kristoff helped me lie down. "I can't sleep without​ Kristoff" I said. "Kristoff lay down with her." Kristoff snuggled up with me. "Thank you!" I said and fell asleep.

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