chapter 2

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Kristoffs POV

When I found out Anna is pregnant, I freaked out for a second. I just couldn't believe I was going to be a father. It was so exciting. I can't wait to tell everyone! Especially my troll family. I didn't want take her up there just yet because I didn't want her to loose the baby. You know the First trimester is the hardest. So I'm going to tell the trolls and then get back by her side. While I visit my family, I think I'll have Elsa stay close to her. I know she's 1 month in but that's still a short time and I want to make sure she's alright. Of course then again she's probably just going to throw up all day. That's pretty much all she's been doing today. Well anyway we are about to make the announcement to the kingdom. We step up to the podem and everyone cheers. "Okay guys we have a huge announcement to make!" I said very loudly. "Do you want to tell them?" I asked my beautiful wife. "How about we say it together." She said holding my hand tightly. "Okay." I said. "We are having a baby!!!!!" We announed very loudly. The crowd went wild. Some of them could have already knew because I shouted it at the top of my lungs this morning. We went back inside and sat down . "Hey baby would you mind if I go announce our big news to my family while you stay here?" I asked in the nicest way. "No of course...." She put her hand over her mouth. Not again I don't even know what she is throwing up. She has barely eaten. I followed her to the bathroom. "Are you sure you are going to be ok without me?" I asked very concerned about my wife. "Honey I'll be fine just go before I start puking my guts out again." She said hugging me and pushing me away. So I left the room and got on sven and left for the trolls.

Anna's POV

Kristoff just left and I have thrown up so much, I think I lost 15 pounds. My throat hurts so bad. "ELSA!!!" I yelled. Elsa came rushing in. "What's wrong?" She asked with complete worry on her face. "My throat hurts so bad." I say.  " Let me go get some crackers and water. She rushed down to the kitchen. Gerta was cooking dinner. Elsa asked if she could have a glass of water and some crackers for me. Gerta said she would send it up. Elsa doesn't like to argue with the staff. She feels bad that most of them were let go because of her. Elsa came racing up the stairs and comforted me. I really hated having her to go get me something but I couldn't leave the toilet. I miss kristoff already. I love Elsa don't get me wrong, but sometimes you just want your husband. "Hey Anna Gerta is sending someone up with the water and crackers." "Thanks Elsa!" I said very thankful to have her be my side. "Anything for my little sister." She said hugging me. Soon one of the staff brought me the water and crackers. I ate the crackers and sipped the water and felt so much better. I got up and lied on the bed. I didn't feel like doing anything else​. She sat next to me on the bed. "Kristoff will be back soon ok, untill then......"  She pulled out a plush doll that looked exactly like Kristoff. I gasped. "Elsa! I love it!" I said reaching for it. She gave me the doll. "That way when ever he's gone and you can't be with him, You will always have him with you." She said. "Awe come here sis." I said bringing my arms out for a hug. We hugged. "You're​ welcome and I gave one of you to kristoff as well. That way no matter how far apart you are, you will always have each other with you." She said. We hugged again. "I love you sis." I said. "I love you too." She said kissing my head. She got up. "Now don't forget to scream if you need anything. Now get some rest I'll see you in the morning." She turned out the light and closed the door. I took my kristoff doll and kissed his lips and then I snuggled up with it and went to sleep.

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