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it was an especially hot day when im jooeun threw herself facedown on the couch trying to absorb as much cold air as possible. slowly she was about to drift off when she heard her elder brother, youngmin calling for her from his room.

"joo! can you go to the store and get me some snacks?" youngmin's voice resounded in the living room where she was.

"get it yourself." she groaned and lifted herself on her elbows, listening for youngmin's response.

"please? im practicing." he said, referring to rapping, which was his hobby.

"ugh, fine. im going. you owe me!" she called back to him.

she got up, grabbed her things and left the house, making her way to the nearest convenience store. she made sure to stay under the shade as the heat was getting worse.

just as she was cutting through an alleyway next to the store,  she heart a soft meowing and stopped abruptly.

looking towards where the sound had come from, she saw 3 little kittens huddled together. she gasped slightly and looked around for a mother cat or anyone who might own these kittens.

"are you hungry?" jooeun squat down by the kittens and cooed at them.

"i'll get you guys something to eat, wait here." she quickly got up and hurried to the store.

jooeun hadn't had a pet before so she didn't know what kittens at but she grabbed a small can of tuna and a bottle of water and paid for it, trying to reach the kittens as fast as possible. 

outside the store, she saw a small cardboard box and picked it up as well.

"im back, i got- oh." jooeun stopped in her tracks when she saw a boy in a red flannel shirt petting the kittens. 


ayy stan talent, stan kim donghyun!

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