Chapter 1

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The sound of an alarm ringing cut through the morning air like a knife.

Yuichiro jolted awake and groaned.

"God dammit, stupid alarm clock." He said, sliding his bedsheets to the side and sitting up on his bed.

Yuichiro raised his arms up above his head and stretched, yawning a little.

He then jumped off the bed and walked over to the bathroom, running his fingers through short, spiky black hair.

When Yuu got to the bathroom, he opened up his contact lens case. Carefully, he put on his specially made contacts, changed into school uniform, and trotted off to the kitchen.

A meal made by his father was sitting on the counter. Beside it was a note that read:

"Good morning, Yuu!

Today's breakfast is bacon and eggs.

Sorry that I couldn't greet you this morning, there was an urgent problem at the hospital and I was called in to help.

Have a nice day at school!"

Yuu smiled and sat down. His father, Shinya, was a doctor at the local hospital. Shinya was ranked fairly high at the hospital, so this case must've been very important.

"Morning, kiddo." A voice said. That would be his other dad, Guren.

Guren was a police officer. He didn't have a shift today, so he was still at home.

"Don't speak with your mouth full. Oh, and I've packed up your lunch." Guren said, tossing A small bag to Yuu.

"Thanks." Yuu replied, catching the bag with one hand and putting his fork down with the other.

The clock on the wall chimed, signalling the time of 7:30 a.m.

Yuichiro picks up his backpack. Saying a quick goodbye to his dad, he walked out of the house.

"Yuu-kun!" a soft voice called out as Yuu approached the bus stop.

"Good morning, Yoichi!" Yuu replied, ruffling the smaller boys' brown locks.

"Mornin'" Another boy said, towering over Yuichiro.

"Hey there, telephone pole." Yuu said, taking his hands out of Yoichi's hair and smirking at the pink haired boy behind him.

"Shut up, you literal pile of salt."


The bus screeched to a halt as it stopped at the station.

The three boys said a short 'Hello' to the driver before getting onto the bus

Pulling out his phone, Yuu plugged in his headphones and looked out the window.

Once the three boys got off the bus, they thanked the driver and walked to their homerooms.

Yuu got to his class and sat down right as the bell chimed.

The teacher walked in a minute later, with two very good-looking teenagers trailing behind her.

"Settle down," She says.

The class quiets down and looks towards the two new students.

"This is Mikaela and Akane from the Hyakuya orphanage. They will be joining us from this day onwards."

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