Extra: Happy Birthday Yuu-Chan!

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Backstory: The group are planning a surprise birthday party for Yuichiro. Yuu's dads are aware of

this, and are bringing Yuichiro to an amusement park to pass the time. Currently, the group are

splitting jobs in a group chat.

Yuichiro's Birthday Chat

Shinoa: Who's in charge of what again?

Mitsuba: Mika's in charge of the cake, Yoichi's in charge of presents, Kimizuki's in charge of other

snacks, and we're in charge of decoration.

Kimizuki: Does that mean I have to stay at the house with Mika?

Yoichi: Well, yeah.

Kimizuki: Dang it

Mika: I am here too, y'know.

Shinoa: Of course you are, Mika! You're his boyfriend, after all!

Mitsuba: Enough with the chitchat, we're all gonna start our chores now, got it?

Yoichi: Yes ma'am!

Mikaela closed his phone and sighed.

A cake? how do I make a cake? He asked himself, shaking his head.

He got up out of his bed and changed into his outdoor casual wear.

Mika left the orphanage and started towards Yuichiro's house.


Mikaela entered the house, saying a quiet greeting to Shinoa, Mitsuba, and Kimizuki who were

already starting to prepare for the party. Mika walked into the kitchen and started opening

cupboards to see if there were any recipe books that could teach him how baking worked.

I'm a vampire, He thought to himself as he looked into the cabinets, how am I supposed to make

a cake?

Mikaela looked through all of the cupboards but sadly, no baking books were found.

Looks like I'm gonna have to go shopping.


Mikaela arrived at a small corner shop with displays of cakes. Mika nodded and entered the

store, before being greeted with a sweet smell of baked goods.

Smells good, He thought to himself. If only I could actually taste it.

"Hello, sir! What might you be looking for this fine afternoon?" A middle aged women's voice

rang through the store.

"Oh, yes. I was wondering if you guys had any baking recipes or books I could buy?" Mika

replied, moving towards the counter where the women sat.

"Hmm? What kind of recipe booklets?" The lady asked, looking at Mikaela.

"W-well, you see..." Mika's face burned up "My lover's birthday is today, and I wanted to bake

them a cake!"

"Oh! How romantic. Hold on for just a moment, I'll check out back for you." With that, the lady

disappeared into the back of the store.

ha.... That was embarrassing.

"Ah! Here." He heard the women say.

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