Chapter 3

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Dangerous Chapter 3

Time skip: 2 weeks.

i'm gay.
i'm so, so gay for Mika that it's not even funny.

At the beginning it was just a few butterflies when he complimented me but now i feel like i need to spend every waking moment with him.

and i don't know how to deal with it.

do i confess? Do i just forget about these emotions?

"Ugh!" I screamed.
My classmates' heads turned towards me.

"Do you need the nurse?" The teacher asked, staring at me with cold eyes.
"Uh... no. I'm okay." I replied, face reddening.

I slowly sat down and slumped into my seat.

I sighed quietly. Is this what being lovesick's supposed to feel like?

A soft tapping on my shoulder snapped me out of my daze.

I looked up and saw small piece of paper drop onto my desk.

What's this? I thought, picking up and unfolding the note.

My heart skipped a beat when I recognised a familiar angels handwriting.

"Yuu-chan, are you sure you're okay?" The note read.

"I'm fine," I wrote. "Don't worry too much!"

I folded the note back up and passed it over to Mika.

After a minute or two, another note landed on my desk.

"Okay, I won't." it said. "...Hey, Yuu-Chan? Can I talk you during lunch? I've gotta ask you something."

Yuu felt his heart start rapidly beating.

Does he like me too? Was the first thought that came to mind.

Maybe he's confessing?

I shook my head.

No! I can't get my hopes up! This is probably just another normal talk! calm down, heart!


"Yuu-chan! Wait up!" Mika said, running after me.
"Hey there, Mika." I said. "You wanted to talk about something, right?"

Mika gulped and turned away.
"... Hey, so you know how the fair is coming to where we live on Saturday?" He asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" I answered, scrunching up my eyebrows a little.

"Well... I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Just the two of us." Mika said, playing with the hair on his nape.

I froze in place.

Wait, is this really happening? Holy shit, was I right? Does Mika actually like me back?

"-uu-chan? Yuu-chan?" Mika said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"O-oh, right. Yeah, i'd love to go with you!"

Mika smiled.

"Perfect. I'll send you the details via message later."

Mika then walked off, saying a quick "See ya later!" and waving.

I love him so much.


"Argh! I have nothing nice to wear!" I screamed, throwing his last hoodie aside.

"Why is it that every time I need to leave the house, there is nothing nice in my closet?"

"Scratch that, there is never something nice in my closet!"

Dangerous | MikaYuu [DISCONTINUED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora