Chapter 7

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Mika and Yuu got to their homes safely, and may also have spent the entire rest of the night in a call with each other.

Which is why Yuu was too groggy the next morning to put on his contacts.

Fucking finally, Was Yuu's instant reaction when the school bell rang.

"Remember to bring in your completed worksheets!" He heard the teacher yell as he darted out of the classroom.

I'm not smart enough for that shit. How am I even passing my classes? Yuichiro whispered to himself as he ran to the school entrance.

He stopped there, watching his fellow classmates chat and leave the school.

"Yuu-Chan!" A voice suddenly yelled, as a large weight fell onto Yuichiro's body.

"Christ, Mika. Warn me next time you decide to attack me." Yuu groaned, balancing himself.

Mika laughed.

"Not funny, I think you broke my back."


"That was supposed to be a joke."

"Oh. Well, it wasn't very funny."

"... I understand that now."

"Anyways." Mika said, "I have work today, so if we're gonna walk together we better head out now."

"Uh, sure." Yuichiro said, grabbing Mika's hand.

The two boys walked off, hands intertwined.


There's still that stupid ten above Mika's head. Yuu realised, eyeing the floating silver number above Mika's head.

He blinked a few times, as if trying to clear the number away. My brain's just dumb. ignore it.

"How long's your shift at the cafe?" Yuu asked, as the pair walked down the sidewalk.

"From 5:00 till around 8:30. Usually, it's until the end of the working day but because the owner is nice enough to let me off early since i'm a student, I get time to do homework." Mika replies, admiring the shops to his right.

"I didn't know you worked for that long. I hope it's not too tiring."

"I'm still getting used to it, so it is a bit hard. I'll manage."

"Please take care of yourself. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Calm down, Yuu-Chan. I'll be fine!" Mika replied, smiling.

"Oh, here comes the fork-in-the-road. I'll catch up with you later, Yuu-Chan." Mika said with a smile.

The blonde walked off, waving at his raven haired boyfriend.

Adorable little bastard, Yuu thought as he kept walking.

He plugged in his headphones and started playing some Set It Off as he walked.

Nothing crazy happened today, Yuu realised. I could get used to this.

Humming along to the melody, he watched the cars to his left rush by.

Then, something caught his eye.

That thing would be the bright white van that flashed by him.

Who the hell paints their car bright white? Don't they know that white is really annoying to look at?
Yuu rolled his eyes.

He kept walking for a minute as the bustling city moved around him.

Another flash of white appeared in the corner of his eye.

That white van again. It keeps coming into view. Can it leave?

Then, he heard a car stop.

Finally, Yuu thought.

Yuu checked his phone as the sound of a door opening was heard.


Ow, what was that? Yuichiro thought as a solid coldness hit his shoulder.

He looked towards his phone that was currently lit up.

Oh, it's five already. Was the last thought Yuu had before blacking out.


All he saw was darkness.

When he woke up, all he could see was darkness.

What happened? Where am I? Why can't I move? Were the thoughts that immediately flooded his mind.

And then the panicking started.

Shit, I can't move? Am I paralysed? How will I get home? What will happen with Mika-

Yuu froze his thoughts.

Okay, calm down. Think of what you remember, don't panic until it becomes useful.

So, I was walking home next to the road near the mall. I saw a white van pass by and stop behind me, and then a cold thing touched my shoulder and I blacked out.
Fuck, I've been kidnapped.

"—Boss wanted this kid?"

"He said that it had something to do with Laboratory 34's failure."

"What? But didn't everyone there -"

"Yes, they did. I don't know why this kid's here either, but we better get him there fast because I'm not losing anymore salary because of a fucking kid."

"Alright, then."


"Ya think this kid is a part of the e-"

"I doubt it. You remember what happened, right?"

"Well, yeah. But maybe..."

"Well, either way, we wont get any closer to the truth from just talking about it. Boss might give us some info because of this kid, so just keep your mouth shut until that time."

"Fine, if you say so."

'Boss'? Laboratory 34? What the hell?

Yuu started to sweat.

How the fuck am I gonna get out of here?

Dangerous | MikaYuu [DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now