Chapter 6

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Note: -This chapter is mainly a filler chapter to give the readers some Mitsuba x Shinoa stuff. There's really only one main point in it so feel free to just ignore this update.

Three weeks. Three weeks have passed since Yuu and Mika started dating.
Of course, all of their friends knew that they liked each other long before they told them, but Yuu still felt relieved when they approved of his relationship.

His fathers were very happy about Yuu and Mika's relationship, too. Shinya congratulated them and treated Mika like his son, while Guren simply smiled.

It's a great life I have, Yuu thought.


"Yuu-San," Shinoa says one day at the Cafeteria. "Why don't you join Mitsuba and I on our shopping spree?"

Yuichiro froze, fork in hand and food spilling off of it.

"...Are you sure you want me joining your date?" Yuu asked, sitting up and cleaning the food off of the table.

"I-It's not a date!" Mitsuba yelled, blushing.

"Suuure it isn't, Mitsu." Shinoa teased, leaning in closer to Mitsuba.

"Shinoa, get away from me!" Mitsuba squealed, blushing harder.

Shinoa giggled and sat back up in her seat.

"So? Whaddya say, Yuu-San?"

"...fine, if you insist."


That was a bad fucking idea. Yuichiro thought, struggling to carry the three bagfuls of clothing that Shinoa just had to buy. ("They're on sale! And they're pretty! Of course i'll buy it.")

Yuichiro sighed, looking towards at the two girls in front of them.

Shinoa was flirting with Mitsuba again, playing with her hair.

Yuu smiled. They've been dating for a while, huh? About one year?

I hope that Mika and I can stay together for even longer.

The girls stopped in front of a cafe, with the words Cafe Leblanc in beautiful cursive above the entrance.

"What's up?" Yuu asks, jogging a bit to catch up.

"Why don't we try this place out?" Mitsuba asked. "It looks really good."

"Of course we'll try it. Only the best for my angel~" Shinoa says, pinching Mitsuba's cheeks.

"Let's head in, then." Yuu said, holding open the cafe door.

"Thanks." The girls said in unison, walking into the shop and taking a table.

Yuichiro staggered over, trying his best not to knock anything over on his way to the table.

"Mitsu~ I want a cheesecake!" Shinoa moaned, tugging at the bottom of Mitsuba's shirt.

"Then go buy one!" Mitsuba said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah, but I don't have any more moneyyy! I spent it all on clothes!" Shinoa whined, putting on her best puppy dog eyes.

"Wh- Fine! I'll buy you one! Just stop making that face!" Mitsuba said, turning away.

"Yay! Thank you, Mitsu!"

"It's nothing..."

Yuu chuckled. Such love birds.

"Yuu, can you please help me buy the cake?" Mitsuba asked, handing Yuichiro the sufficient funds needed for the cheesecake.

"...Uh, sure"

Yuu took the money out of Mitsuba's hand and went over to the counter.

"Good Afternoon." The cashier said.

"Hi. So, uh, I'd like one cheesecake please." Yuichiro said, handing the boy behind the counter the money.

"Coming right up, Yuu-Chan."


"Wait- Mika? What are you doing here?" Yuu asked, startled.

Mika chuckled.

"Well, the orphanage kids wanted toys since theirs were old and broken, so I thought that getting a job and surprising them with toys would be a good idea." Mika answered, opening the pastry freezer and taking out a cheesecake.

"So you started working at a cafe?"

"They pay nicely here, but it's only temporary. I'll probably be gone in a month or so."

"Here you go," Mika said, handing Yuu a chocolate milkshake and a cheesecake.

"What? Mika, I didn't order this." Yuichiro said, pointing at the chocolate milkshake.

"Yes you did! Now take it, before my boss sees." Mika said, shoving the foodstuffs into Yuu's hands.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Yuu asked, looking at Mika with a questioning gaze.

"No. But take it." Mika replied, going back to the cash register. "I'll talk with you later, Yuu-Chan!"

"Oh, of course, Mika." Yuu said, heading back to the table.


"Yuu-San, we're finished here." Shinoa said, finishing up the last of her cheesecake.

"...Oh, Okay. I'm gonna stay for a while, you can go first." Yuichiro replied, sipping on his drink.

"What? But then, who's gonna carry all my clothes?" Shinoa asked, pouting.

"Sweetie, I'll do it. Yuu wants to spend time with Mika, you should respect that." Mitsuba said, throwing the bags over her shoulder.

"Oh~ Would'ya look at that! My girlfriend's strong!" Shinoa said, swooning.

"Oh, c'mon Shinoa. Let's go, I don't really want to see any PDA." Mitsuba said, heading to the door.

Shinoa hummed a soft melody to herself, trailing behind Mitsuba like a baby chick following it's mother.

But... You're the ones showing PDA right now??

"Yuu-Chan, my shift's over!" Yuichiro heard a familiar voice say.

"Oh, that's great Mika!" Yuu replies, standing up from his seat.

"Let me walk you home!" Mika said, grabbing Yuichiro's hands and pulling him out of the cafe.

Yuu smiled.

I love you so, so much.

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