Round 1 : Humor, Short Story, Romance Results

563 30 100

Stories marked with an asterisk were ones which had to be reassigned, either to myself or to another judge! Don't be scared if you see one next to your book. It's not for the participants, just a reminder for myself.

going to round 2 - this book has scored well and is one of the ones to go through to the next round!

not going to round 2 : eliminated - this book was judged, however it didn't do as well as the others and so it will not be going to round 2. there's some comments beside each book so you can know how to improve!

disqualified - books which did not adhere to the rules. they have no score, simply a line stating why they were disqualified.


Head judge's comments : All humor participants can go to that_guitar_girl 's book where she gives detailed breakdowns and analysis of all the entries! This was a pretty good genre with some great entries! The judges both judged generously and I struggled finding which ones to put through! We therefore have eight going through here, four from each judge. 


*Kick Ass Nanny by cottoncandykisses - 87/100 : LMFAO. THIS BOOK WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!! I loved Bonnie!!! She was soo straight to the point and funny. The plot was great, the characters where good and it was really funny. My only problem was the cover was not that great and it would need some spelling and grammar tweaks. Other than that great read! 

The Bad Boy Has Wattpad by rock_dreamer - 90/100 : Another superb cover, although I don't like the font much. It's a funny story and I like how you're breaking the fourth wall in a sense (so many people writing on Wattpad pretend as though it doesn't exist in their books!). Great read. 

Cooking With Boys by  droptops_- 86/100 : The only thing you lost points on here is the plot! It could be a little better developed/structured. Lovely cover and your writing scored full marks too.

Guilty Pleasures by chocfudgeo - 96/100 : Beautiful cover, grammar on point and super interesting plot! I didn't want to stop reading. You lost points on your writing - maybe try and make it a little more original? Use some more descriptions and some more devices like metaphors or imagery. 

Jax's Drama by dg_and_reid - 98/100 : Another beautiful story. You lost two marks on writing because in my opinion you lack a bit of style. It would be nice to have slightly more descriptive and maybe more adventurous paragraphs from you. Apart from that, excellent. 

Sirena by sirenaofthesea - 98/100 : Your cover is original and doesn't look Teen Fic-y like most of the others and I really love that! I'm not sure how much of a Humor vibe it gives, but I'll let it slip because it's different. You only lost two marks on writing. I love this book! It's super random and the first chapter had me hooked already. 

The Method Writer by ladyrowyn - 99/100 : This had possible the nicest cover in the entire humor category. Super nice graphic (did you make it???). The plot is hilarious. I think this book deserves millions of reads and I am confident it'll get there. Can't wait to see it in the next round!

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