Teen Fiction Results

461 24 65

We had lots of judges on this genre!

The Teen Fic head judge was achudasama1 who was very helpful in coordinating the other two judges and did an excellent job with their own reviews! Very well done to you and thank you for being so helpful throughout the entire contest.

We also had jdfanff who sent me perfect results - albeit making me wait until the last day! Well done to you too, you did very well in both rounds :)

Finally smile707 also did a good job although I had to ask you to produce longer work. However, when I give you clear guidelines you worked well. 

 Backup judges were ruthxanadumute_slytherin and uniqueread


Aleana by jesuslover001 - 27.5/30 (original) / 28/30 (modified)

The girl in the cover is really pretty and draws attention but I don't feel the book from the cover. I would try something else. The title is nice, an exotic name, I actually googled it and it's very accurate to the story.

Now the blurb, it didn't give me any clue on how the book was going to be, I read it and expected a cold woman and she turned out to be a sweet girl. If she's supposed to become cold later on, you should mention that she used to be a sweet girl that due to difficult circumstances became a cold woman.

The writing is perfect! No grammar mistakes, the descriptions you give to the scenes are perfect and the dialogues between your characters are very polite, maybe too polite for a 5 year old boy, for example. Wonderful, outstanding, original, gripping plot. I loved it! Congratulations! I wish I could write a story like yours.

Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 29/30!

I really adore this book, one of the best I've judged. The cover is aesthetic and simple and the plot line is amazing. I love the character development and how everything matches up. Definitely will continue reading this after the results are revealed!

The Way It Was Before by raindrops_ - 28/30

A melodious story that orchestrates personal struggles, social ineptness, concerns with love and acceptance in a gorgeous composition! Beautiful imagery starts off the book that also uses narration and storytelling tactics to engage the reader. Profound thoughts expressed when it came to memories – Gorgeous dialogue and banter are done in a very classy and intelligent manner. Sarcasm appears in a few places that adds humour to the story without being too mean.Lovely descriptions of places and people flow within the narrative. Continuity of the story is maintained from chapter to chapter. She portrays the main character's thoughts and emotions in soliloquy style that is brilliant (difference between lonely and alone). With story telling expertise and great cliff hangers the plot is given direction and is set up perfectly. The bonds and interactions between characters show the reader how the plot may develop further. Plot pace is slow but acceptable due to the details, ambiance and easy read. Story told in first person perspective by the female protagonist. New characters are described within the narration and description of traits, actions and behaviour are added as well. Even imagery is used to describe physical characteristics. The female character's love of books is endearing. Seems the characters all have their secrets too. A pretty cover and good summary with story details and characters in one paragraph and then overall distilled synopsis of books themes in the second paragraph. Teen story dealing with social ineptitude, acceptance and angst along with secrets. Recommend: Some minor editing.

The Teen Fic Awards 2017 (CLOSED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن