Humor Results

151 12 8

The main judge on this genre was ruthxanadu and she did an excellent, fast job :) I also want to thank her again for all the extra work she did in Round 1!

The backup judge was that_guitar_girl

To all contestants - stay posted for stickers!!


The Method Writer by ladyrowyn - 28/30

Wow! What a cover you have! Very good! It was clean and nicely done! The blurb as well was very good. I could sense that the book was going to be very funny just by reading it. It got me excited to start your book.

It was very well written! Your style was very clean and flowed very well from scene to scene and it was steadily paced- not to fast but not to slow. However there was tiny amount of punctuation and grammar mistakes- nothing a proof read can't fix.

This plot had to be the best in the category! It had me in tears laughing numerous times. Maxwell is a very positive character even though her circumstances aren't and I really enjoyed reading through the eyes of someone who's sometimes very stupid and naive! I liked her friend and I felt like all the characters deserved to be in a humour book- funny as hell and entertaining, going to finish reading this for sure!

Does the backup judge agree with this score : NO, would give it 29/30!

The writer has shown exceptional writing abilities throughout the book. The plot is creative and thoughtful, and suits the title and the cover well. There are one or two spelling errors, but overall, a fantastic read! I can find no major flaw: I'll definitely be reading any other book that this author writes in the future :)


Kick Ass Nanny by cottoncandykisses - 20/30

I really liked the cover it was simple but nice. I would suggest maybe making the font a little bolder to make it easier to read but it was still nice. The blurb was average. It was short and straight to the point but I still would have wanted to know a little bit more. The title suited the book for it was funny.

The writing style was clear and precise, easy to understand and straight to the point. Sentence structures where good, but might need a touch up for spelling and grammar mistakes, still easy to read. My only thing was it did lack writing devices such as metaphors and similes. I would also suggesting using a range of punctuation- there was A LOT of times I feel the author could have used a semi-colon or colon.

I really enjoyed this plot. The main character, Bonnie, was funny and such a interesting character. Her interactions were the funniest and she had A LOT of spunk. However I would suggest also focusing on the other main characters. The blurb suggested a lot about the kids. I would have liked to see more of their funny sides since it was suppose to be humour. It would be nice if more than one character was funny.

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