Judges Round 2

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dedicated to uniqueread for being the ultimate judge and taking on over 30 extra books two days before the deadline.  

also to achudasama1 for being super helpful and a mentor figure, as well as creating some of the best results and taking on four extra books. 

First, I'd like to make some comments on how judging Round 1 went. I haven't see contests do this before but I think it can be useful for the judges ; in a way, you're also entering a competition!

Short Story

A huge mess. Only one judge really pulled through, jdfanff. They did three extra books and myself, unknownfamousauthor, did about five extra books. However, the two other judges were so profoundly useless that we had to get a replacement judge in, uniqueread, who took on eight books! Honestly I thought I had a strong team for short story but really it was a huge disaster, leaving me scrambling THE DAY BEFORE RESULTS WENT OUT for a new judge. 


This was better, I got good results from both judges, however these were simply break-downs and not explanations as I wanted. When you're asked to do something, you do that before doing loads of extra stuff which you weren't explicitly asked to do by the admin of the contest. Just saying.


Romance had one excellent judge, achudasama1, who was very active and took on four extra books, whilst the other two were late and unresponsive. readercreator produced very good results but sucked at communication and -steroids produced somewhat vague results but on time. 


Here we had two very decent judges. theredbelletrist did a great job of sending me extensive results early on. Very well done. black_hole_survivor was decent and also got things to me on time, however some of their notes were a little too harsh! Good job both of you.


Neither of you were the best judges, but you definitely weren't the worst either. assassinassociation sent results late and they weren't as detailed as I hoped, and I had to get someone to re-review two of your books because your reasons were simply too vague. elegantartist got results to me pretty quick and without hassle which was appreciated. 

General Fiction

The two GF judges, reneeshantel and mute_slytherin were excellent. I had all their results before the 9th and they both sent detailed reasons and it was obvious they'd done their jobs properly. You are both coming to Round 2 and you should be very proud of your work. Honestly, I would recommend both of you to anyone looking for judges. Excellent!

Teen Fiction

The judges here were pretty good overall. stepped in and took up an extra twelve books, whilst ruthxanadu stepped in a couple of days late to replace two judges who to this day still haven't replied... The rest were okay overall. 

Special thanks to captivatedfantasy and ruthxanadu for taking on extra books on the 14th! You were both superb. 

Most of you performed very well. I can't take all of you to Round 2, so don't feel offended if I drop you now. 












I will write to you each individually to give you more information ASAP. Whoever is willing to will be reading books from different genres. Would all these judges leave an inline comment beside their user telling me which genres they are content with  judging? Also write whether or not you can judge LGBT because I don't want to waste time sorting that out again. It's okay if there's only one, but I need to know. 

Thank you to everyone else who actually did a good job and who I'm dropping because we need fewer judges for Round 2. This includes people like zelaughingqueen and d-desireofthesea- and black_hole_survivor - I'm sure you all know who you are. 

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