First Impressions Matter

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"Hey, do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes."

"Oh my God."

Well that wasn't the reaction Stan was expecting. Usually he got slapped, but this woman was laughing.

Well, maybe 'laughing' wasn't quite the right word. It seemed like she was trying not to laugh, although there was a grin on her face.

"That was so lame. I love it," she snickered. "What's yer name?"

"Uh, Stanley," he answered, "but I just go by Stan. And what's your name?"

"Bella," the woman said.

"That's a pretty name," Stan grinned.

"Thank you, it was a birthday present," Bella joked. Stan laughed.

"You're pretty funny," he said. "Hey, you wouldn't wanna, I dunno, grab a coffee?"

"Ah, I don't like coffee," Bella shrugged, "but there's a really good, uh, donut shop nearby. We could meet there."

"Sounds perfect," Stan smiled.

"Cool! Maybe... 10:30?" Bella suggested. "That way it's after breakfast, but not quite lunch..."

"Sure," Stan nodded in agreement. "That's a good time."



"Fiiiiiiiiidds, you'll never believe what happened!"

"Hm... ya found twenty dollars?" Fiddleford guessed, not looking up from his work.

"Nope!" Bella responded. She sat down on the desk, making Fiddleford hurriedly move his invention to the side and look up at her.

"What is it, then?" He asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I got a date!" Bella beamed.

"Wha- no way!" The southerner denied jokingly. "You? I don' believe ya."

"I told ya," Bella giggled. "Well, I think it's considered a date. We're meetin' up for donuts, tomorrow mornin', so..."

"Well I'll be darned," Fiddleford grinned. "Congratulations, Bella. What's their name?"

"His name is Stan," Bella answered. "An' the weird thing is, he looks just like Ford. Well, minus the glasses, and he's, got a, mullet."

"Name's pretty similar, too," Fiddleford agreed.

"Yeah," Bella nodded. "I read something that said- sa-said everyone has like, seven people, that look, just like them."

"Right, ya told me," Fiddleford nodded.

"So I guess it's true, then!" Bella grinned. "That's neat. Well, I'm gonna head home. I gotta see Tabby and I wanna call Ford. Say hi to Elizabeth for me, ok?"

"You got it," Fiddleford nodded. "Say hi to Stanford for me."

Bella clicked her tongue twice and left the house.


"Hello, this is Stanford Pines."

"Hey Ford!" Bella grinned. "What's up?"

"Oh! Hello, Bella," Ford answered. "Just documenting some new creatures I discovered."

"Neat," Bella nodded. She giggled slightly, the way she did before saying something (that she found) funny. "So I mighta found one of yer twins."

There was the sound of something crashing to the floor.


"So remember that thing I said- that- I read that said everyone has around... seven people that look just like them?" Bella asked, fidgeting with the phone cord.

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