The Summerween Special

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AN: This chapter is going to be much short than usual, since it's a short special.

"Step right up to the Mystery Shack, folks!" Stan grinned. He was dressed as a spider for Summerween, Gravity Falls' second Halloween. He had decorated the shack specially for Summerween (with jack-o'-lanterns made of watermelons and spider webs everywhere) and was only giving tours once it became dusk. "Welcome to the special Summerween tour, filled with creepy crawlies and more ghouls than normal! Be warned, travelers- this tour is not for the faint of heart."

The tourists muttered excitedly and kids clung to their parents. Stan led them into the shack, which was lit only by sparse candle-filled jack-o'-melons. He led them around, sneakily activating several jump scares and scary tricks. Near the end of the tour, Stan stood in front of the frightened and entertained group and called for their attention.

"Now folks, I know we've had a lot of fun and frights this evening-" Stan began.

"That was awesome!" A small boy yelled out.

"Haha, yeah," Stan agreed. "But I'd like to end this tour on a slightly-less creepy note. Now, kids towards the front, if they'd like to be able to see."

The tourists shuffled around as the kids were all pushed towards the front of the group. A small boy jumped around the taller kids, shoving through to the very front.

"Alright, is everyone is ready?" Stan grinned. "Behold, the world's cutest..." he pulled a curtain aside, revealing Ella and Marcella dressed in spider costume and inside a spider web-covered play pen, "bug babies!"

"Daddy!" Marcella exclaimed happily.

"Awwwwww!" The tourists exclaimed.

"Hi!" Ella waved, standing up against the edge of the play pen.

"Aw, cute!" A girl cooed, reaching forward to hold Ella's outstretched hand.

"Ah-ah," Stan slapped her hand away. "No touching."


"Come back soon!" Stan waved as the tourists left. Bella approached from behind him, holding a sleepy Marcella in her arms. She tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. "Hm? Oh, hey babe."

"Stan, Ah think I'm gonna put the girls ta sleep," Bella said. "It's pretty late fer them."

"Yeah, I guess it is," Stan agreed, looking at his watch.

"Marcella, give Daddy a kiss goodnight," Bella said, holding the older twin out. She leaned over and kissed Stan's cheek. He chuckled and ruffled her hair, making Marcella giggle.

"G'night, kiddo," he said.

"Ella, bedtime!" Bella called into the shack.

"No!" The toddler denied.

"Yeah, she needs ta go to sleep," Bella sighed.

"I'll get her, you put Marcella to bed," Stan offered.

"Thanks, hon," Bella said, carrying Marcella to her and Ella's room. Stan walked over to Ella, placing his hands on his waist.

"Alright kiddo, bedtime," he said.

"Noooo!" Ella screamed, running off into the house.

"Get back here!" Stan yelled, chasing after her. He found her laying face-down on the floor in the living room, crying loudly. "Come on Ella, yer tired. You need to sleep."

"Nooo..." Ella sobbed. She didn't struggle when Stan picked her up, only hung over his shoulder with her eyes shut. Stan carried her to the twins' room just as Bella had finished changing Marcella into her pajamas.

"Mommy, story?" Marcella asked.

"Please?" Bella prompted.

"Please!" Marcella repeated with a smile.

"Yeah! Story!" Ella agreed, kicking as Stan tried to put on her pajamas.

"Kid, your feet go in the legs," Stan sighed.

"Ella, get yer pajamas on and we'll tell a story," Bella said.

"O'tay!" Ella cooperated and soon both girls were in bed and asleep after a quick bedtime story.

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