And So They Shipped Us Off to Gravity Falls

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AN: Ok readers, here's a poll: Do you want me to continue this as a parody of GF with all the extra OCs? Or maybe just skip around a bit?

"I'm going where?"

"Gravity Falls," Marcella repeated. "You're spending the summer there with your grandparents and your cousins! Won't that be fun?"

"Gravity Falls?" Brandon questioned. "That boring little town in the middle of nowhere that you grew up in?"

"Oh trust me, it's anything but boring," Marcella chuckled. "I think it'll do you some good to get out into nature. The most we have around here is some parks."

"And I'm fine with those!" Brandon said. "Why do I have to go? Why not Jacob and Brittany?"

"Your sister is only two, and Jacob does awful with change, remember?" Marcella answered. "And New York City to Gravity Falls is a big change."

"Oh, fine," Brandon huffed. "Sure. Favor the babies."

"Oh now, come on!" Marcella frowned and folded her arms. "That's not fair, Brandon. You know why I can't send your siblings. I'm not favoring anyone. You'll have fun, I know it. Plus, it is a pretty gay town."

", you say?"


"Hey Jenny, how'd you like to spend the summer with your grandparents and cousins in Gravity Falls?"

"Ooh! That sounds fun!" Jenny grinned. "A summer away from home!"

"Thought you would like it," Lee chuckled, leaning against the doorway. "Dipper and Mabel are taking a bus up there the first day of summer vacation. You don't mind riding with them, right?"

"Course not!" Jenny said, squishing her fluffy blanket between her fingers. "They're cool! I can bring Fluff, right?"

"Yes, you can bring Fluff," Lee nodded. "But you only get two bags, so pack the essentials, ok?"

"Uh-huh!" Jenny nodded. Lee looked around her mess of a room.

"Is that another boy band poster?" He asked, pointing at a poster of five similar-looking boys.

"Yeah!" Jenny nodded excitedly, bouncing up on her bed to stand by it. "Mabel introduced me to 'em! They're called Sev'ral Timez. Aren't they cute?"

"Eh... sure," Lee eyed the poster. "I don't know what you see in those guys. They all look the same to me."

"Ugh, Daaaad!" Jenny rolled her eyes. "They're obviously different! That's Greggy C, that's Creggy G, that's Leggy P, that's Chubby Z, and that's the cutest one: Deep Chris." Jenny made goo-goo eyes at the picture of Deep Chris. "See? Totally different."

"Yeah... don't know how I couldn't tell them apart."


"Taylor, Tyler, I've gotta talk to ya. C'mon, sit down."

"Ok!" The twins said together, moving to sit side-by-side on the hotel couch. Taylor was chewing on one of the stars on her chewlery necklace.

"Now, I know you both love traveling with me and Daddy," Ella began, "but we've gotta go somewhere for awhile where... I don't think it'd be best to bring you two along. So you're gonna spend a few months this summer with your grandparents and cousins in Gravity Falls! Won't that be fun?"

"Without you or Daddy?" Tyler frowned.

"No, I'm afraid," Ella smiled apologetically. "But you'll have lots of friends and family to look after you, and Grandma is autistic too, so I know she'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible."

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